Sunday, February 17, 2008


Jasmine, the most fragrant of tropical flowers, originated in Persia.
(These days we call it Iran.)Hundreds of dainty, white buds and a few early-blooming, star-shaped flowers fill my room with a fresh breath of tropical air. Granted, I have a small house but it seems the entire place is filled with the sweet exotic fragrance of this pretty plant.

Ms. Jasmine was a Valentines gift and such a lovely plant that it inspired me (me!) to clean the house!

Not that Jasmine.
This Jasmine!

Imagine... this tiny flower multiplied by hundreds. It's going to be a breathtaking show!

So, naturally I jumped onto Google to see if anybody anywhere knows how to take care of her properly. I'm staring at 500 buds. When she bursts into bloom, I might have to start a whole 'nother blog!

I bounced from one gloom and doom site to another. Ooh, I hate that!

Why put forth the time and effort of building a website if all you're gonna do is rain on my parade? My favorite was the site that claims she won't bloom at all if there is a temperature variance greater than 10 degrees.

So, I'm gonna do what I always do. Wing it. And, I'll bet that's what you do, too. Instinct. We gardeners can keep most anything alive...

~ Indoor flowering plants flower longer when removed from direct sunlight.
~ Once they reach flowering stage, most indoor plants prefer cooler temperatures.
~ Flowering is hard work! A light dose of fertilizer helps the cause.
~ Improve humidity: double-saucer your houseplants so much-needed moisture can evaporate up into the leaves.


Kylee Baumle said...

Ooooooh! That's going to be just gorgeous and smell fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I've heard that it will grow but the flowers won't open.

Wunx~ said...

You the Master Gardener, your jasmine will bloom! You show those nay-sayers.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

I wish we had a "smell" option here (most times ? LOL) I would love to have a wiff of that gorgeous jasmine !

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Unknown said...

will Jasmine grow indoors at high dry altitudes?

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Dan;
Mine seems to be doing very well. I posted this blog entry about a year ago. My jasmine is still alive, about double in size.

Consistent water, monthly fertilizer helps. I put an old humidifier in the midst of my plants in winter and that helps a good bit with the dry air.

Anonymous said...

Trust me they might be strong but its delightful and if they don't bloom then u probably did. Something wrong

Anonymous said...

Will my jasmine tree survive 4,900 ft. Elevation?