
Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Give You An M

Here's a fun meme I hope you'll participate in...

I was given the letter ‘M’
Something I like: Moonlight + the sweet scent of Magnolias
Something I love: Miss Megan, Most Marvelous Mare
Something I hate: Malicious Magpies, waking me in the Mornings.
Something bad: Maps Make Me Miserable. Can’t read ‘em. Don’t even wanna try.

If you leave a comment, I’ll give you a different letter so you can join in the fun.


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Good Article

  2. LOL! Very fun.Your Horse is such a lovely one.She has such a pretty honey color.I never saw a Magpie before. They are a pretty bird aren't they. Maps sometimes give me fits too. LOL!If they are really detailed I am all right.I hate the ones that do not list all the little side roads. Have a great weekend Kate.

  3. Happy Friday, Lona!

    I give you an H. :D

  4. Hi Kate, I'm game. Sounds like fun.

  5. Hi, Jennifer!

    I give you a D. :)))

  6. Hi Kate! This is a cute idea. Your M post is very clever. I wonder what letter you'll give me??? :-)

  7. Indeed clever and such a clear picture of your personality!

    I don't know if I could participate in a timely manner because I'm filled up for the next couple of weeks already (just love not having to worry about my baby for a while!), but that does seem to be a fun and creative meme!

  8. Funny!!! I love it! I'm in the game too!

  9. the magpies ARE the worst. I liken them to aerial thugs. bah.

  10. I love music. I like marmalade. I hate memories that I sad. And something bad is minimizing problems.

  11. Lots of great M's. Miss Megan does look like a sweetie.

  12. I give you an S!

  13. Gardens in summer always cheer me up! Have a great weekend!

  14. I loooove this pictures!!!!!


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