4 days 'til Christmas and the only thing sitting under the tree is a cat. He's been weighing the pros and cons all month. Climb it? And, risk the wrath of the gal who's in charge of this joint? Or, be a well-behaved kitty in high hopes she'll come through with fresh Catnip on Christmas Eve.

We're not giving Christmas gifts this year. At least, not how we have in the past. We drew names. Limited the price on that one gift... Blah, blah, blah....
Or, should I say Bah? As in Bah Humbug? I was the one lobbying to minimize gift giving.
Did I wreck Christmas? I know in my heart this is a grand idea. But, as I head into the final stretch I find myself secretly (selfishly?) parked in front of the computer drooling over all sorts of things I wouldn't mind opening on Christmas Eve.
Like this gorgeous book, Egg & Nest, by a favorite artist, Rosamond Purcell.

Or, this thing.
A Garden of Wishes flower kit filled with seeds that have special meaning. Sunflower = joy, Calendula = energy, Cosmos = fun, Lavender = pleasure, Bellflower = relax, French Marigold = dream, Zinnia = hope, Snow in Summer = peace.
How cool is that?
Everyone needs a
Camellia Bonsai.
Camellias! So beautiful plus they bloom for months on end.
Repeat after me:
This is window shopping, only window shopping... Stop fondling that credit card!Now here's one I can afford but I should probably just steal the idea and make my own:
A year-round windowsill garden. Isn't that darling?
It comes with seed packets for a dozen happy bloomers: Petunias, Marigolds, Pansies, Lobelia, Alyssum, Zinnias, Impatiens, Baby's Breath, Dianthus, Cosmos, Poppies and Sweet Peas.

What is missing from my greedy gotta have it gift list?
Ah, yes...
The pony.