The Big Rock Garden |
I work hard for a living and my flowers should, too. That means nixing lazy perennials that think they can get away with a bloom time of 4 weeks or less. (Slackers with the name Day Lily* need not apply.)
This page is a salute to the 10 hardest working perennials in my waterwise Utah garden. They may not be sexy but they keep things colorful day in, day out.
These gals bloom for at least 8 weeks, some 12 or 16 weeks. All are drought-tolerant, much-loved by hummingbirds, butterflies, and most everyone who bikes past the Street Garden.
May Night Salvia
Salvia x superba
Flowers: June - August, with deadheading
Full sun
USDA zones 5-9
USDA zones 5-9
Tickseed Coreopsis
Coreopsis lanceolata
Flowers: June - September, with deadheading
Full sun
USDA zones 5-9Munstead Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia
Flowers: July - October
Full sun
USDA zones 4-10
Bellflower Deep Blue Pearls
Campanula carpatica
Flowers: June - September
Full sun
USDA zones 3-8
John Cabot Roses
Flowers: June - October
Full sun
USDA zones 3-7

Johnson's Blue Geranium
Geranium himalayense x pratense
Flowers: May - September
Full sun
USDA zones 4-8

Scrophularia macrantha
Flowers: June - September
Happiest at 6,000 feet or higher
Full sun
USDA zones 5-10

Cat Mint
Nepeta x faaseenii 'Select Blue'
Flowers: June - August
Full sun
USDA zones 4-9

Jupiter's Beard
Centranthus Ruber
Flowers: June - August, with deadheading
Full sun
USDA zones 4-9

Corkscrew Ornamental Onion
Allium senescens 'Blue Twister'
Flowers: June - September
Full sun/Loves clay soil
USDA zones 3-8
Do you have a love affair with 10 special flowers? Do tell!
* Tip: Some of the most spectacular perennials bloom for very short lengths of time. Plant them among these long-flowering varieties for continuous color all summer long.