I tried hard to sucker somebody into putting my new rototiller together when it first arrived.
No takers ~ so, I ended up doing it myself. It was easy, though I nursed a little grudge the whole time I worked on it.

A quick 15 minutes later, my work was done!
Mostly because my backyard looked like a very familiar sitcom:

And, it's been that way ever since. Tall, short, fat, thin, slightly balding or pretty hot... the noise of my Troy Bilt tiller is the call of the wild to neighbors of the male persuasion.

The moral of this story? If you want more help in the garden, invest in a big, noisy machine. I sit on the deck and sip iced tea while they do battle with my hard packed soil.

We tilled this section twice. First to loosen the hard-pack. The second time we tilled in compost so it could begin the magical process of evolving into good garden soil.

* Wild Mallow (orange,) Sego Lilies (white,) Geraniums (pink,) Cactus (fuschia,) and Bluebells.
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