Primrose gets a long overdue drink of water. Cruel amounts of sprinkler neglect never seem to phase her...
Sit a spell. The finishing touch for the Big Rock Garden was a comfy little rocking chair placed amongst the flowers. If I force folks to sit out there they feel obligated to compliment me on my hard work! :)What is the Big Rock Garden? Well, it's the backbreaking project I have been working on for three summers. Photo below is how it looked
BEFORE I launched into my perennial planting frenzy. That boulder is the size of my Jeep Wrangler. Too big to be hauled anywhere. My only choice was to cover it up.
Big Rock Garden (Before)This photo [below] is how The Big Rock Garden looks today. You can barely see my eyesore rock!
Big Rock Garden (After!)
Laden with perky Primrose and all sorts of fun flower combinations, like Red Hot Pokers, Penstamons, and Feverfew (graciously donated by Wunx.)

As I was moving the sprinklers around today it occurred to me that perhaps this is why I've been a bit of a slacker with blogging this summer. The Big Rock Garden is all grown up and there's nothing left to say. Other than... I'm so very, very glad.... to be done!
PS: I did it all by myself. :)
wow! that's amazing!
Looks great! Gives me a few idea to try here. AND...good news! Our state just OK'd the use of rain barrels so I can now water where I need and want to. It has to be with a watering can but beggars can't be choosers!
it is beautiful Kate, your hard work paid off. Sorry I have been so scarce, life has keep me either busy, or hiding. LOL. My first flowers went in this year, some lovely lilies, they are so pretty.
Hi, Gail! Thanks for stopping by. I've been keeping an eye on your home building progress... Never a dull moment at your place. :D
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