Troy-Bilt Trimmer Product Review

√ Skip the lawn mowing and just trim the edges of the lawn.
I mow every 2 weeks vs. every week and nobody notices I'm lazy!
I’ve heard tell that we’re all born with a unique set of skills. Some people hire gurus and go to the great lengths of hypnotherapy to discover their own special gifts.

My special skill? Well, I’m all about cutting corners. In fact, it’s kind of a full-time job for me. I begin each morning with a list of too many things to do. Then I whittle that list down to a manageable size.
And, that’s where my new Troy-Bilt Toy comes in. Technically referred to as the TB57 Lithium Ion String Trimmer, it's a multifunctional time saver that gets me out of mowing the lawn quite often.
I've discovered if I simply trim the grass around the garden beds all neat and tidy no one seems to notice how tall the grass is in the middle of the lawn.
Now, you could jump to conclusions and say that I’m lazy. I would argue I’m greener than you. If I skip a lawn mowing, or two, and nobody notices... who cares?
In addition to not polluting, I'm giving my grass a supreme advantage over the weeds since I rarely, if ever, water that stuff. When the grass is allowed to grow it becomes thick and lush with long, strong roots (sans all those chemical fertilizers!)

The Green Gardener's Great Gizmo:
Troy-Bilt gave me the TB57 Lithium Ion String Trimmer to test so I've tried really hard to break it. Normal gardeners, especially women, will probably love this thing because it doesn't stink of gas and it's not a big monster of a tool.
It uses a lithium battery, like your digital camera, only this one’s the size of a brick. Charge up the battery and this little weed wacker is good to go. Bonus: The charge lasts a nice, long time.
Pros: Lightweight, easy to assemble, easy to use, and environmentally friendly. Be sure to point that out to all your gas-guzzling, weed-wacking neighbors.
Cons: Silly name. Why can’t they just call it the Green Gardener’s Great Gizmo? You see, I think women would buy a lot more power-type tools if they didn't have such goofy macho names...
1 comment:
Ooh, cool new toy!
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