I'm an orchid newbie. Haven't a clue what I'm doing. Though I'm firmly committed to keeping her alive longer than the last one.
That wasn't too hard to do. Knocked the last one off her pedestal the day after I got her. Couldn't face the disaster of that busted stem so I tossed her into the compost pile and remained in denial for months.

Each week a new flower joins the party. Seven passionate purple blossoms. Two buds to go.
I doubt I'll ever be one of those purists who tries to coax them into re-blooming but she is a definite bright spot in this long and dreary winter...

* Newbie observation: That long, weird stem of hers keeps growing and producing new buds. When I brought her home, she held 6, dropped 1. Now we're up to 9. :D
** My gal pal, Phal Pal, is a Phalaenopsis Moth Orchid. Allegedly one of the easiest to grow. But, then they've never known me on a good, clumsy day.