[A fab way to divert attention from dirty dishes that need washing!]
When in the mood to eavesdrop, I hear this question all the time: Where did the week go?
Into the history books, I suppose, with very little to show for it. Been so wrapped up in this, that, and the other thing I forgot all about my itty bitty blog.
Seedlings are percolating nicely in the big, bay window. The warmth of the sun inspired all my favorites to bloom: Jane's Azaleas, an experimental Day Lily, forced Hyacinth and tiny Narcissus bulbs, bright red Kalanchoe...

1 unmistakable sign of spring:
* How does she do it? 3 colors of micro mini roses in one pot??? Oh, that one's easy. Snip the roses, hide them amidst the leaves in 1 pot, shoot the picture. Presto! You're a gardening rock star. :)
Another unmistakable sign...itchy gardeners taking walkabouts in their cold yards...with snow still melting on the patios...
But there be foliage poking out from yonder mulch!
Spring...she is a-comin'!
Oh yes! I had the biggest grin on my face Friday afternoon when I spotted the first Daffodil shoots. :))
I just add your beautiful garden to my favorite blog list.
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