Friday, January 28, 2011

The Bliss of an Indoor Summer

Silly Roses...
If only they knew what it was like on the other side of this sunny window. 
I'm 4 days away from the big, exciting, oh, my God, I cannot believe I actually agreed to do this... trip.

Tomorrow is the ceremonial delivery of the blessed orchids.
Okay, fine, perhaps I'm a little melodramatic when it comes to my orchids. If you think [for even one minute] that I'm trusting house and dog sitter, John, to care for my precious orchids, think again. Sandy is in charge of the pretties while I'm gone.

Although I don't why I'm so worried about the orchids. When it comes to houseplants and flowering annuals I'm not the least bit kind. A gardener version of Cruella Deville.

Lots of my houseplants are flowering annuals wintering indoors. Poor things. They work their little patooties off all summer long. By season's end, I imagine they're exhausted. Most likely anticipating that first hard frost and a much-needed rest.

But that lazy life is not to be. In autumn, I drag 'em indoors, where it's nice and warm and they keep on flowering. (No doubt talking amongst themselves about this whole global warming thing and what happened to winter.)

Flowering Annuals have one mission in life ~ to grace us with plentiful, pretty blossoms. Why stop the show when the weather turns cold? They're quite prolific indoors, as well. Just stick 'em in a sunny window and let them do their stuff.
  • Start with a very serious bath before you bring them in from the outdoors. It's a good idea to drown the buggies that are hoping to hitch a ride.
  • Water with a highly diluted 5-30-5 fertilizer (1 tsp. per quart water) to improve their flower power. 
  • Most are quite content in a warm, south-facing, sunny window. 


      ProfessorRoush said...

      Beyoutifffull flowers...and in winter! Looks like they were photoshopped! And the view?! Wow.

      Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

      Thanks, Prof;
      The roses are in the super sunny bay window. I dragged the orchid outdoors to take her picture. (That should inspire her to drop a bud, or two... :)

      Anonymous said...

      Kate I hope you have a fantastic memorable time in Italy! I also hope your beautiful plants survive without you.

      Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

      Thanks, Ramona -- I'm getting excited!

      Gloria Bonde said...

      Wow!!Italy!!! I want to go! I can just imagine the beautiful pics you will come home with. The only negative, and the only negative that I can see is that you will probably have to dress in grown up clothes instead of jammies! Everyone will miss you, but they will be here when you return. Of course, we will look forward to your blog post from Italy - hugs, Gloria

      sweetbay said...

      You and your flowers have the most magnificent view. I bet Italy will be a nice change though! :)

      Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

      LOL, Gloria!
      It's an 18 hour flight so I should definitely do that in my jammies, don't ya think?? ;>)

      Thx Sweet Bay;
      The view is pretty terrific but the house is not. So, I only take pics looking away from this fixer upper...

      Marguerite said...

      Good luck on your trip and hope you have a most amazing time!

      Rose said...

      What a gorgeous contrast between the roses and orchid and the outside view! Have a great time in Italy!

      Kate Walz said...

      Wow - what a stunning first photo. To look at your window and see roses and mountains in the same view is incredible (no mountains here on Long Island!) Have a great trip!

      Anna said...

      Amazing flowers!! What lovely colors!!!

      Carolyn ♥ said...

      I'm late seeing your post, you are on your way by now... Be safe and have a wonderful time. I spent a few days in Italy on a trip through that part of the world. Beautiful!

      Deb Mc. said...

      You needn't post this if you don't care to, but I'm sending this since I think you'd appreciate the sentiment.

      Thaw Smell


      Tessa @ Blunders with Shoots, Blossoms 'n Roots said...

      I think that is a great idea! I really need to do this, but I have a wood stove that would heat a mansion and it gets so dry and hot. I have a 'sun' room (aka a room with lots of windows) but it is right next to this stove! I'm afraid the plants would not enjoy that.

      Be safe in Italy and happy almost spring,


      lifeshighway said...

      Hope you are having a great time on your trip. I am amazed you can get roses to bloom indoors. It just never occurred to me.

      Jennifer@threedogsinagarden said...

      I hope that your orchids will be safe and sound while you are gone. I look forward to hearing about your adventures!