Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Nabbed these Sun Stars at the local supermarket.

If we can believe the local weather guy, it has rained ~ or snowed! ~ 20 out of the last 28 days. So, it took a moment to jar my memory. To soak in the warmth of that absentee sun and remember what it’s like to be living in a high plains desert.
Then the storm clouds rolled in. Again.
Don't get too excited.
These Tulips and Hyacinths are flowering indoors.
Of course, no one should be allowed to complain about the weather. Unless, you’re from Alabama. Good Lord… all those tornadoes clustered together… it looked like a scene from that movie, The Day After Tomorrow.
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Christmas Cactus - still blooming! |
Far too frequently, I see situations where people need help, and I think… well, I’ve got frequent flyer miles. I did the Habitat for Humanity thing, after Katrina, but I possess no real skills to help people in such dire need.
And, while I don't know half of what they're going through, I know a little bit about what they experienced for a few terrifying seconds. I survived a tornado. In my Ford Explorer, which was pretty much destroyed. To this day, high winds make me a little loopy.
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Who knew? Clematis seedlings flower this early? |
On a significantly brighter note... did you just go ga-ga over Kate Middleton’s wedding bouquet?? Hyacinth, Sweet William, Lily of the Valley… 3 that I nurture in my own gardens, made it into that historic bouquet.
Thanks to Tivo, I knocked that 8-hour royal wedding down to 35 minutes. (Long live the fast forward button.) I thought her flowers were as stunning as the dress.
Plus, this sentimental Mom shed a couple tears when Will and Harry stepped out of the limo.
Diana seems to be very influential with women in my age group. (Or, well, maybe just me and Bev...) But, I think she'd have been proud to see how her darling little boys turned into such impressive, young men.
* I missed yesterday's Mish Mash Monday (Garden Faerie’s clever invention) so perhaps we could dub this Trivial Tuesday?
Here's hoping for bright sunshine, wherever you are.
The sun has been playing peek-a-boo with me all day long. It is wonderful to see it. We have had the same kind of weather. I won't whine now because when I get started I can't hardly stop. Yes, the boys did look quite manly in their uniforms. And Cate didn't disapoint. The flowers were marvelous. I grow the lily and hyacinths too. Don't you know sh has sweet William around her little finger as well as in her bouquet.
Hey, Lisa!
I did not know that -- but I think it's very touching she picked sweet William. :))
Diana would be proud of her sons. They were truly handsome men standing there at the alter.
I love gardening inside my big loft windows. It was the only thing that kept me sane this long cold winter. Gardening is gardening no matter where you do it.
It has been weird; a British spring. A day of full sun is almost strange. Going outside and seeing dry ground makes me nervous, like, should I be watering? What I thought was bizarre were the news reports that people were watering their lawns and they asked them not to. I'm thinking, "after 10 inches of rain this month, why on earth would you think you need to turn the sprinklers on!!!"
I had not seen the bouquet, so THANK YOU!!! It is lovely.
I'm growing just a little weary of winter, too. The outside hyacinths are spent, but I bought a few more and kept them indoors so I could enjoy them. Giggled to see you have a few inside, too!
Sorry about the weather. It's all wrong everywhere. We are desperate for rain, we haven't had any for weeks and weeks, ever since the heavy snowfalls of the winter.
This is the UK, for Pete's sake, it only ever rains here.
All the blossoms were early and have mostly disappeared again.
It's enough to break this gardener's heart.
Yet, after weeks of sunshine and all my delicate white and pink dicentra out in their full splendour, tonight there's a frost forecast and tomorrow they will be all limp and floppy and frost scorched.
I give up!
Hi, Tufa;
Just one sunny spot... sometimes that's all you need! I have a big sunny window and it is keeping me sane during this very strange weather pattern.
PS! Did you notice that Harry has a bald spot? It will be a sorry day when he loses those sassy curls.
Hi, Susan;
Seriously? They're watering their lawns??? Mine squishes when I walk across it!!
Hi, Snowcatcher;
I don't feel worthy in your presence you "influential female athlete" you!! Just teasing. Congrats! Well deserved. :)))
Strange days, Friko;
But do not despair over the Bleeding Hearts. I grew those in miserably cold Minnesota. They look so dainty but they're tough as nails.
PS: I wish we had celebrations like yours on this side of the pond...
Nice post and I love your flowers. I am sure they look lovely in your house. I hope the sunds shines soon for you, have a great week!
THANK YOU! for addressing that bouquet. I read on one of the many many articles that people thought it was drab, too small, they could see the plastic handle, etc. etc. Really? I loved it. Not overbearing, easy to carry, beautiful flowers, didn't take away from her or the dress, just a perfect accent.
Hi, Eileen
Your bird pics - and education - never cease to amaze me. I sincerely hope you're publishing a book sometime soon.
Hi, Marguerite;
Pinkies, as in the pinkie swear bonding thing? Man! That made me mad, too. Which is why I wanted to glorify that simple, meaningful bouquet.
Down here at 5,000 ft (Front Range of Colorado), our spring has been awfully slow in coming. We've had a few warm days, but mostly the temperatures have really slowed down the bloom cycle -- and in some cases (my quince, for instance, killed it off altogether. And then what will happen down here is that it'll get hot all at once!
I have only seen some clips of the wedding, since the Mister watched it all day long while I was at work. He wasn't in the mood to see more of it in the 'replays'. I hadn't really noticed the bouquet, but it really was beautiful. I thought the trees in the church was a nice thing too, although kind of an extravagant touch. I guess they can afford it though...
Hi Kate,
It's been cool and wet this spring for us, too, but I think it's been cooler and wetter for you and lots of others. Those storms and tornadoes have caused a lot of damage!
I only caught bits and pieces of the wedding coverage. I did love her dress and bouquet. I went to a local wedding the next day, and she had an all white bouquet, too.
You mentioned digging depressions to capture rain water. How big are they? I looked into making a rain garden, but I don't want to use that much of my flower bed to do that. Do you know if I could just dig some 12 inch wide circles a few inches lower than the rest?
Never one to whine about the weather (not really) I just totally agree with your disgust!
And congrats on the 5 year anniversary. I like persistence. :)
Diana would be definitely proud of her sons. William has made a wise and heart felt decision when marrying Kate.
I must have fast-forwarded through the description of the bouquet. Thanks for filling me in. I'm guessing it smelled heavenly. Love your shot looking down... a delicious shade of orange and a sweet perspective. We're in the midst of a beautifully Spring week after Saturday's snow.
So true...every time I start to complain about the weather, I have to pause and think about those who have it so much worse...poor Alabama.
If those Sun Stars cannot brighten your day and cheer you up, I really don't know what can.
Hi Kate,
First off, congratulations on five years of blogging! Secondly, I can identify with your feelings about the weather, because we have not had spring at all!! Finally, today was nice, after days and days of rain.
I agree with you that Diana would have been very proud of her two sons. Have you seen the British Airway advertisements? They suggest a simple motivation for visiting Britain this year: the ad reads, "There is still one prince left!"
Spring has been slow in getting here too. I too think Diana would be proud.
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