And, I always thought that was a huge mistake. After all, we were living in a crappy, little town in South Dakota. Just looking out the window could drive ya to drink!
Not to mention the family tensions. Mom had 11 sisters and every one of them had a 'better' idea on how to cook the turkey. God forbid they could ever enjoy a big group hug. (Champagne Cocktails could have easily improved this situation.)

It's a nice, fancy term for returning to our roots, finally listening to our elders and farming the good old-fashioned way. Organic is great but Biodynamic takes things to a whole new level of grooviness! By making the land self-sustaining.
Cover crops return nitrogen to the soil. Trees, birds and bees all play a role. Essentially, the acreage becomes a nature preserve surrounding the vines.

In the spirit of getting along, bring one from a Biodynamic Vineyard.
Why? Because the weather has been downright nutty. Talk at the Thanksgiving dinner table will most assuredly turn to global warming...
At which point, you can show off your super duper, earth-friendly bottle of wine, brag up biodynamics and act all smug!
Have a happy day however you choose to celebrate. :)
Follow @Kate_HAGardens
I say skip the side dishes and bring on the vino.
Happy Thanksgiving, Miss Utah! May you be part of a group hug this year.
You're still one of my favorite bloggers.
This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for boggin' buddies like Donna.
Seriously, though, that compliment means the world to me. I hope you're baking up a bunch of candied yams for your cutie pie grandson.
Have a wonderful holiday week!
I have to admit I've never heard of that concept. I 'll have to look into it. I'm not much of an alcohol fan, though, because I don't like drinking my calories, and don't handle it well. I will drink a glass of wine at holidays once in awhile, though.
I tried to plant a cover crop of flax in my garden across the street last year, but only a few came up. I also planted some green beans figuring that the rabbits would not let the plants get big enough to produce beans, but hoped to at least get some leaves, but they ate them down, too. I'll try again next year.
Hi, Sue!
I had not thought about flax for a cover crop! I may have to try that next year... Happy Thanksgiving!
Haven't heard of this concept before, will have to do more looking into it. Any reason to drink more wine is okay with me.
Those holidays are stressful aren't they? And they do bring out the worst in everyone...
Biodynamics sounds good to me.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
I like the concept of biodynamic way better than organic. Thanks for sharing
Kate, I know you are prepping for that big dinner and anything else I can help you with, just let me know. ;) I can make the cornbread stuffing or something like that.
Wine will be served during our dinner; in fact, a couple who are joining us here are bringing their homemade Chardonnay... and it is really good. Biodynamics, now I have to research that one.
We hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful and warm, dear Kate, just like you, and filled many blessings.
Hi, Marguerite!
Well, it's an idea that's long overdue for my gardens. I'm 'sorta' there but would like to take it a step further.
Happy Thanksgiving, Muddy!
Yep, it can be a mess but this year promises to be a marvel in civility. We're breaking tradition and I am in charge of the big feast. {Holy hell.....}
Thx, Liz;
Just think... now we can swill wine AND save the environment! I am loving this new spin on things... :D Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Di;
What more can you do for me? Well, let's see... if you hopped in your car right now, you could arrive for the big day and cook this big mess! :)) Be sure to bring the homemade wine.
I'm just kidding. Thanks for helping during my meltdown moment. Your recipes. And, Joey's. Are on the menu.
I made the trek to the valley today to purchase a fresh organic turkey. And, I suckered my daughter, the truly talented cook, into showing up a day early. So, I'm set! It's all on her shoulders now! Ha!
Much love and Happy Turkey Day
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