1) The fact that I scored a picture-perfect heirloom Brandywine tomato?
2) Because it only cost me 50 cents?
3) Or, because said tomato is resting nicely on my very own 'souvenir of Wyoming' dinner plate? [Oh, yeah! Am I cool... or what?]

I run a lazy household. So lazy, in fact that when I grabbed the scissors and bee-lined it to the gardens that early in the morning I knew I'd be heading out there alone.
Bad Dog is not that co-dependent. He glared at me with one sleepy eye, rolled over and went back to bed.

This early morning, scissor-happy, frenzy was on account of bloggers, Needles of Iron and sister, Just-A-Mere coming to town, to celebrate the birth of granddaughter, Bebe Bean. I was madly snipping a little bit of every pink flower blooming to make them one of my ultra-special (as in 'geez, that's kind of weird looking') Big Rock Garden bouquets.

Rose petals were flying everywhere!
This was such a fun morning because I've been 'virtual friends' with Iron for several years. That's the wonderful thing about blogging ~ you cross paths with so many great people you would never know, were it not for the blogosphere.
Through my blog, she met Wunx, a local friend of mine. Through Iron, we met her sister. And, so the 4 of us met for a yakety yak breakfast, lingering at Ruth's Diner for the better part of the morning.
Afterwards, Wunx introduced me to the famous Mitchell's Market fresh-picked veggie stand.

Find Mitchell's magnificent heirloom tomatoes a half block east of Foothill Blvd. on the corner of 1300 South and Laird Way. On Saturday mornings.
Or! Find them at the People's Market on Sundays: International Peace Garden, 1000 South, 900 West in Salt Lake City.
I had a ball meeting you and Wunx. We will have to do it again when I am in the neighborhood again. We had simply a great time!
And the flowers were gorgeous. Very thoughtful and so appreciated!
bee-you-tiful tomatoes! I am fortunate in my next door neighbor, who has kept me in yummy cherry tomatoes for several weeks.
Hey neighbor! Just stumbled across your blog today... I live in Park City as well, and am nervously considering trying my hand at beautifying my yard for the first time. Not sure if I have a green thumb; my mom could kill everything but ivy.... Your photographs are lovely and inspiring-- plan to bookmark you and come back for more visual incentive to get out there and just DO something. :)
Go people's market!
Hi, Tricia!
Always great to meet a new PC gardener, or gardener wannabe?
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind compliments.
Just so ya know... I kill lots of stuff. You see, I'm the eternal optimist and I believe everything should grow here! :))
happy gardening!
Ha! I'm not sure if I even qualify for "gardener wannabe" status. Too ambitious. I think I'm going to check out starting a little herb garden... maybe just some planters to start. I need to do some homework, though-- do you have any basic gardening books or websites that you recommend? Otherwise, I was just going to start at Home Depot and peruse their books.
Sorry for being a pest!
You're not being a pest. Just promise me you'll plant some Lavender. :))
This site has a nice tutorial. Locally, the PC nursery had a great herb selection this summer. They are very helpful.
Millcreek Gardens, in Salt Lake, is another good resource.
I grow herbs on the windowsill in winter. You probably could, too. The sun is so intense up here that they do quite well. :)
Fabulous! Thanks for the tips!
You're welcome! Let me know how it all works out. :)
I'm not sure if that souvenir plate is more gorgoeus than Brandywine. Or it is the other way other? =) They look good together. Love them both!
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