That's actually a trick question. The short answer is 24 hours ago. First I planted it here. And, then I planted it there. I've been moving this little gadget back and forth amongst the gardens every day ~ ever since I pressured the last borrower to return it.

Stick this cute little gadget into the soil, turn it on, and allow it to gather data for 24 hours.

So, first it gets smart on your garden.
And, then!

So far, everyone who's borrowed the Easy Bloom has had a lot of fun with it.
We've experimented with shade gardens, sun gardens and even this spot, in the photo below I call the dead garden. Doesn't matter what I plant in this spot, odds are pretty good it will die.

Bottom Line? I'm sold.
There's really only one drawback to this clever gardening gadget. It was so popular with my master gardening friends that for awhile there I never thought I'd ever see it returned to me...
* The Easy Bloom Plant Sensor was given to me by Plant Sense, Inc. to test and review.
Sounds nifty!
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You have posted awesome picture of flowers that is appreciated. Keep it up the good work. Cheers :)
So where did you get this nifty little pretty?
Well now that I've put my glasses on I see the link! :)
This does look like a pretty neat gadget! I always just sat around myself and watched the sun before :~) Robin
What an amazing plant sensor you have. Your flowers in your garden so pretty and so healthy.
Nice idea. Thanks for the updates and details.
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