'Been a long time coming... But, some silly fool [that would be my brother] finally agreed to PAY ME to do a landscaping project!
It's a 2 day, hellishly dull drive to my hometown of Wide Spot In The Road, South Dakota.
Lucky for me, I have a good friend who lives half way between Here and No Where.
I just love to visit her gardens because she grows a lot of annuals ~ gorgeous, true blue Morning Glories...
And an all time favorite: Zinnias!

They look a little worried because big old Bad Dog is standing right behind me and my camera. BD is scared of kitties though it took them a few minutes to figure that out.

Last but not least. Meet Cookie. Isn't she the cutest little thing you've ever seen?

What a beautiful Monarch and the kitties are so darling. Hope the project is going well.
Morning glories, zinnias and kittens--all favorites of mine! Great pictures Kate :)
My goodness, those zinnias are pretty and the kitties are super-cute! Thanks for the smile. Good luck with the landscaping job.
Did you pack one of those kitties up to bring home? If not, how did you resist?
KC, Rosey - Project not going so well. I got fired. Sort of. Part of the foundation is in trouble so now he's putting the joint up for sale.
I did manage to steal a number of great perennials though...! :))
Jeannie - I do believe those are my 3 favorite things, too. I HAVE TO grow a Zinnia garden next year. They are so pretty...
Iron - I was thinking long and hard about tucking Cookie the kitty into my pocket and making a fast getaway. :D
well i think all those flowerz are gorguos and i love the superrrrrrr-cuteeeeeee-kittenssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
i love the variety of flowers and cute cute cute cute
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