But I couldn't resist when I spotted Amaryllis bulbs on sale for 5 bucks.
I s'pose I could just give everyone on my Christmas list a bulb. They come in cute little boxes. Except that giving just the bulb is a clear indicator I'm a 5 buck cheapskate.

Maybe even 10.

I realize my Amaryllis bulbs aren't all that creative. But, they're affordable. And, they're gorgeous. Therefore I think they'll do the trick.
PS: If I were growing them for myself, I'd simply sprout them in water. Amaryllis bulbs forced in a vase vs. soil tend to bloom in half the time. (About 4 weeks vs. 8.)

I love amaryllis and have never had one. Maybe I will find one this weekend! On sale even!
That's a good idea. We might have to copy you.
One time I saw a photo in a very pricey bulb catalog of amaryllis in full bloom on each step of a big curved stairway. I thought it was the most magnificent thing! Last year was my first attempt at growing one. I got a 'kit' for xmas, but we were out of town when it opened and come home to it laying on the counter. I might try another this winter, if I find a good sale!
I buy some amaryllis every year, but wait to plant them until Thanksgiving in late November. I do that to have blooms in January after all the Christmas decorations are taken down. Having flowers then seems to make Spring arrive a little early. Then, come late April, I plant them in the garden.
Always Growing
Just discovered your blog. I’m tweeting about it on twitter – very nice! Keep up the good work!
I plant pink ones late too. Love those big flowers in the gloomy days of late winter! - Kris
Hi, Iron and jan; You could probably find them at homer depot. :) But snoop inside the boxes. Some of the bulbs are very wimpy. Others are pretty good size!
Hi, Jan and Kris!
Love that idea of planting late for cheery flowers right about the time I want to kill myself (Feb.) because it won't stop snowing!
Thanks, Shawna! I appreciate it! I watched your YouTube video this morning – terrific planting suggestions!
Love your warm, brilliant colors for fall and Christmas...
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