Final tally: 283 flower bulbs.
Those 3 extra Tulip bulbs traveled from Amsterdam to Park City, Utah ~ stowaways in Sandy's suitcase. And, I was ever so grateful.
I planted those special 3 in the center of a HUGE circle of Daffies and Allium bulbs. In the high hopes that this bad-smelling bulb strategy might outsmart the infernal critters snooping around for tasty tulips.
I went a little hog wild this year. Ordered most of them from the same company. Imagine how delighted that company must be, assuming all sorts of future profits from this big spender bulb-aholic!
Alas, they will be sorely disappointed. This was a one time deal simply because I was lonely. I traveled the entire month of September. Realized I was missing my gardens when I found myself pulling weeds at our cabin on the Oregon shore.
That inspired me to busy myself on the airplane, writing a great big bulb order.
Now, I assume you know the do's and don'ts of great big bulb orders, right? Send it off immediately! Before you have the good sense to think about the cost and all that hard work. :)

This one's for you, Jan!
Perhaps this is the needlepoint pattern I should try my luck at this winter?
That could take me 'til April and beyond... :D
I can't wait to see your garden next spring. But then, I am eternally waiting for spring it seems.
What a glorious show all of those bulbs will make next spring.I have to fight the deers for mine to bloom;-)
Not this year, KC.
We've got snowshoeing to keep us busy! :)
Hi, Lona;
You've got deer. I've got Elk. Which I imagine are just bigger destroyers of the same darn things. :)
Thanks for visiting my virtual garden. I stopped over to your blog and that horse poem made me cry... in a good way. Thanks for posting that.
You know, those are beautiful flowers in that picture! It would make a lovely wall hanging to get you through the winters!
I bet your fingers might be a bit tired, just now, though!
I might have to go for it... :))
Some of you have deer and some elk -- and I have javelina. I've learned my lesson and settle for fancy daffodils and jonquils. Period. Oh, I might do something with iris,which don't appear to entice the little porkers.
Hi, Granny! Javelinas are the craziest critter... kind of cute, though.
Good to see you up and wandering around the blogosphere. :)
I have to google "javelina"! Nothing like those here in the north woods. K-can't wait to see the bulb crop!!
Thanks, Jane;
Do squirrels eat your bulbs? I'd hate to think there is a garden bed without a pesky critter. That would be sooo unfair! :D
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