Yup - she's pointing a pistol at that innocent little balloon. It's called mounted shooting. I don't really get it but then I'm not from around here...
Two weeks ago I made a wild and crazy promise to blog every day this month about the training sessions with my adopted horse, Bella.
That blogging energy lasted all of 5 minutes but I did manage to squeeze in 8 good sessions with Crazy Horse before the weather turned foul and our snowy winter finally arrived.
Why two horses? ~ people ask ~ Isn't one plenty?
Well, if you want to get practical about it I suppose zero is a good round number. Horses are expensive, hard work and... highly addictive. But, there's just something marvelous about these big, gorgeous animals.
I tried for 3 years to buy Little Meg but her owner wouldn't sell her. I finally gave up and adopted Bell instead. Two days after I brought Bella home, Meg's owner showed up, handed me the reins and said I don't want Meg anymore.
So, what are you gonna do? I always wanted to be a cowgirl. Now I'm a cowgirl times two.

What beautiful horses! And Kate, You're in the right spot to have them. I'd guess they're as happy as you are! :-)
You can never explain things of the heart and shouldn't have to. As always beautiful photos.
Thanks, Shady and KC. I guess, in a way, it's a dream come true. :)
PS to KC -- you're riding little Meg next summer so go buy a pair of cowgirl boots! :D
Isn't that the way! Good thing don't have anything else to do but spend time with these lovelies!
Wow! A surfeit of happiness, and horsieness! They're beautiful horses.
Poor Meg! How sad that she wasn't wanted anymore! Of course you had to take her!
Glad you could visit my little nature blog. Shady & I have several things in common including a zone 4/5 climate and lots of trees for a shady garden. Although I don't know much about horses, your's are certainly handsome and the surrounding countryside is just gorgeous. Stop by again! :)
Hi, Iron:
I gotta say... that is the funniest blog post I think I've ever read. Wish my own mom had been that crafty when she was in the 'facility.' :))
Hi, Jan!
I hope someday to show you and Iron my sweet horsies.
Hi, Troutbirder;
I will definitely stop by again. I loved your nature blog. Born and raised in South Dakota, that I was. Have you ever done the pheasant thing out there?
Thanks, Omega! I'm way serious about the Mac... :)))
He, he, I love the photo of Meg's hissy fit. I couldn't tell that's what she was doing, though. It's cool you are doing something you love.
Awesome photos!
Kate, your horses and countryside are beautiful, you cowgirl, you :) BTW I printed your delightful Roasted Pears with Blood ODrange & Pomegranate recipe, so perfect for this time of year. Big thanks!
Thanks, Sue. They're lots of fun. :)
Hi, Joey;
Thanks! Though I'm astonished you found that recipe... I think you're the only human who has ever visited my cooking blog. :D
I suppose it wouldn't kill me to post more often. But, I guess the whole theme of that blog is that I rarely, if ever, come up with a good recipe!
Kate! I just discovered your blog, again (I was here once before). I don't know what I like better: the gorgeous flower photos or the pics of the horses! Beautiful site.
Thanks, MA! Hope to see you here more often. :))
Mounted Shooting is an awesome sport. I also compete a bit on my appaloosas. Nice photo!
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