I'm blessed (and a little bit cursed) with a very sunny house. So sunny the furniture fades and it's hard to watch t.v. until the sun goes down.
So super sunny I can grow small batches of pretty much anything indoors ~ including spinach and tomatoes.
But, I don't. After the first experiment, determining that I could be practical and grow veggies...
I went straight back to the thing that matters most: Bright, happy indoor flowers who keep me somewhat sane throughout the long, cold winter.
I have grudgingly accepted the rule that 'you can begin gently, but you cannot stay gentle forever.' Just so I'm crystal clear ~ that doesn't mean harming, or frightening, B in any way, shape or form. More on the order of sticking up for myself so she doesn't run over me anymore. I thought for sure she'd hate me because of this new authority, our relationship is so very fragile. Interesting, though, she seems to like me more than ever... I'm astonished at the progress we've made in one wonderful week.
Will translate to how she behaves under saddle? She's a lot of horse for you.
That is it! I knew I forgot to do something; plant the Amaryllis bulbs for Christmas. Do you think it is too late?
Congrats on the progress with Bella. That has to feel great.
BTW, my blog is not updating on yours for some reason. If you get a chance check out the knitting & sewing I did instead of hiking like I wanted to:~(
Good for you! And good for Bella! (Didn't you say you adopted two horses? Will we meet another one?)
I love the delicate pink of your rosebud beginning to peek out. You have a head start on me in terms of planning on Christmas gifts. Amaryllis is a great idea. I will have to plan for that next year.
Hey, I am still waiting for my Amaryllis to pop up. I hope I did not get duds!
Your mini roses are so delicate and fresh! Beautiful.
In the winter, all that sunshine must be glorious on cold days. Hooray for bright indoor flowers in the winter; boo for the practical veggies.
You are capturing some beautiful photos of B. While I have no experience with horses, I am beginning to see the allure.
Hi, KC;
It's never too late for Amaryllis! Strange that your posts aren't updating. Thanks for the heads up. I popped over and LOVE the cute baby stuff!
Thanks, Jan!
I'll see if I can find some good pictures of my other horse, Meg. She's a sweetie...
I'm with you Granny - growing lettuce is not nearly as much fun as growing baby roses!
Thanks for stopping by Noelle. I absolutely loved your list of winter flowers. I just wish more of them could survive in my growing zone!
Thanks, Iron. There's just something very zen about horses. You and Jan will have to come up and meet them the next time you're in Salt Lake. :)
Hi, Rosey!
I baby my amaryllis bulbs and that's probably why they're growing faster.
I use my own mixture of potting soil instead of the stuff provided in the bulb kits.
I also give 'em a shot of slow release fertilizer. They seem to like phosphorus...
That's probably way more than you wanted to know about your amaryllis isn't it? :))
Besides the faded furniture you are fortunate to have all of that sunlight in your windows. I have none with direct sunlight.Bummer.I do have one of those over active amaryllis bulbs also ;-) The other two are taking their time.I love the idea of miniature roses in the house for winter.Very pretty. We all need some flowers to tide us over this winter.
True, true... that sunshine does a nice job of chasing away the winter blues.
Thanks for the info for pampering those Amarylis. I used potting soil that had fertilizer aleady in it. Maybe that was bad? I moved them to a bit brighter window. We will see if that helps.
So you have been in my neck of the woods? You are right, small world. :)
Yeah, that's so cool, now I understand where you are and where you garden...
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