Spritz, the yummiest of all the buttery little morsels, are made with a cookie press. If you're a perfectionist, that should give ya fits.
It's not so bad for me because we generally eat all the dough before the oven is preheated.

Last year, that #!%*! oven decided to quit baking on December 23rd ~ so, we had to broil our Spritz Christmas cookies! They weren't very pretty but they still tasted great.
Who's crying now?
Sure, I could have recycled it. But, deep down, I knew it was possessed. So, I happily hauled that mean-spirited oven away to a place where it will never (ever!) be able to foil another baker's plans.
Yummy Spritz Cookies

1 cup butter
3 egg yolks
2.5 cups flour
2/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
How to:
- Mix the butter, sugar, egg yolks and vanilla. Add the flour and mix by hand.
- Spoon into cookie press and press onto cookie sheets.
- Sprinkle with colored sugars. (Or, use red and green food coloring on smaller batches of the dough.)
- Bake @ 400 degrees for 7-10 minutes.
** Do not, under any circumstances, try to lighten up this delightfully high fat recipe! ['Tis the season to not fret about such things....]
mmmm.....spritz. I love me some buttery cookies. AND. I have me a brand new stove to try some bakery out on. Just the ticket!
Oh, I just love cookies! I used to love visiting my grandmother who would let us eat as much cookie dough as we wanted....she didn't care if we actually had any left to bake ;0)
Thank you for the recipe.
I have presented you with an award. Please don't feel under any pressure to accept it! See my blog for further details.
I think my oven hates me. It's erratic and moody. Kind of like me. :)
Love spritz, yummy! and easy.
Good idea, Iron! You've got my address so feel free to send a box of buttery goodness my way...
Hi, AZ! Your Grannie had it right! The dough is the best part of a Christmas cookie day.
Hi, Johnson! Hmmm.... what could it be? I shall scurry right over to your virtual cottage!
Hey, Rosey; I am so thrilled to hear you think spritz cookies are easy. Can you be at my place by 9 a.m. next Saturday? We'll put you in charge of the cookie press chores hee- hee
Those look so tasty, but I dare not try something that I will not be able to stop eating. I have a feeling that would be the outcome!
Hi Kate, broiling cookies! What a concept! I think you did the best thing to protect society from the evil oven. Spritz, ah the joys of butter. I wonder if I kept that cookie press, whose major downside was the cleaning of the thing. Funny about the perfectionism thingey too, and eating the dough! HA :-)
Dearest Jan ~ I admire your will power! I've been known to eat the entire batch...
Hi, Frances!
They are marvelous little cookies but cleaning that cookie press is, indeed, a royal pain...
My childhood Christmas-baking memories are of just two kinds of cookies: spritz and molasses cookies. The spritzers turned out quite differently, depending on which of us kids (or Mom) handled the press. We generally let her do it. What we loved was making molasses cookies, cutting them out with Christmas-themed cookie cutters, then decorating with sprinkles. One year (hippie college student) I tried using these for tree ornaments. Oops, too much moisture! The weight of the cookies broke through the top and they all fell off onto the floor. We ate 'em anyway.
Hi, Li'l Ned ~ I make molasses cookies, too! Molasses, shredded carrots, diced apples... don't they sound just horrid? The horses love 'em! :D
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