Apple Trees |
I'm learning a lot about the resiliency of plants during this odd, rainy springtime. Perennials are struggling, fruit trees are ecstatic.
Flowering Almonds |
Lilacs are simply confused. And, way behind the curve. With any luck,
I'll be showing off plentiful Lilac blossoms on the 4th of July.
Finally. First Lilac. (Pay no attention to those Dandelions.) |
But, it is finally starting to feel like summer. Everything is lush and lovely though I feel completely out of sync with the rest of the gardening world.
During a normal season, I'd be bragging up peonies and roses right about now. Not coaxing lazy little Lilacs to get with the program.
Pears |
The weeds, of course, are the most delighted members of my little gardening community.
Two weeks ago, I fractured my ribs in a freak accident. It's difficult to bend down or pull at the Bermuda Grass.
The day of my accident... I hobbled up the walkway... and I swear! I heard a happy cheer from those pesky Dandelions who knew they'd be getting a free pass this summer.
Plums |
There’s never a time to rest. I notice this when I’m sore. If I sit down I instantly see something that requires me to get up and move again.
I'm taking it slow, gobbling Advil, waiting for life to get back to normal. If not that, at least some painless days in a flower-filled garden.
Crabby Appletons |
I've not been very good at visiting blogs lately and for that I apologize. Seems there just aren't enough hours in the day.
Mostly I'm just giving you the silent treatment 'cause your roses are blooming and mine are not. :)
Have fun outside while you can. The weather sounds perfect.
That's horrible! You know, I'd enjoy an opportunity to meet you (and see your garden). If you would like I could make the trip south and lend you my young back to help rip those weeds out. :)
My roses aren't blooming yet... :( And my lilacs are about the same stage in the game as yours. I did finally get irises, though!
Why do folks 2,000 feet higher than me have full-blown Icelandic poppies already, and I have tiny little seedlings that can't decide whether they want to grow?!?!?
Your blossoms are breathtaking. And I think dandelions are dandy!
The peonies just came in bloom down in the valley. We've usually had them for memorial day. Good thing is the bad insects aren't out yet either.
Oh Kate you poor girl. Cracked ribs have to be so painful and really inconvenient for a gardener. It will be a while before you will be able to ride your horse too. Ouch! Take care of yourself. I think flowering Almond blooms are just so pretty. You will be having everything blooming at once with this silly spring ..
Hi, Lisa!
As long as the sunshines I really can't complain... I still do! But, I shouldn't. :D
You're the best! You don't need to pull my weeds but you most definitely need to come up here for a garden visit once the ribs are mended. :) I hope your seeds a doing nicely.
Misery loves company Snowcatcher;
So, I'm glad we're friends, tee hee! I'm weeks away from Iris so you Colorado girls are one up on me.
I think I've got your 'bad insects' Liz;
Skeeters galore what with all this rain. And, I'm not used to that!
Thx, Lona;
It's hard watching those weeds take over but what are ya gonna do? I guess I'll just beat 'em up big time once it's easier to wield the garden fork.
Ouch! Broken ribs sound very painful.
Our lilacs have already finished their bloom at 5000 feet. I do think the fruit trees liked the cool spring. Ours are looking good, too.
Oh, no, sorry to hear about your ribs! :( DH got severely bruised ribs last spring when he was bending over Prince's head to put his halter on (I had already told him more than once not to do that) and Prince flung his head up. He was in a lot of pain for at least 2 weeks. Hope you are feeling better soon. At least the fruit trees are happy with your crazy weather! They look wonderful.
Hi, Janie!
Fortunately, I have your blog to fall back on. I'll live vicariously through your horsie adventures for a week or two.
Hey, Sweetbay!
Man, they can really pack a punch. Interesting that your hubs name is DH. Our favorite horse was named DH but we never knew what those letters stood for... (Dumb Horse? Darling Horse? I guess it depends on the day! :)
Sadly, I have no roses... so my blog is safe to visit! ;)
Sorry to hear about your accident. If I were any closer, I would volunteer to come visit and silence those dastardly dandelions! Hope your ribs heal quickly, and you are able to get back out there and get at them yourself, soon.
Thanks, Kim :))
I'll be sending thoughts of speedy recovery! It is a bummer not to be able to be in the garden after such a rainy season! I saw some lilacs in Wisconsin last weekend. First ones for a few years. I made The Mister stop so I could smell them...
I grew up in an apple orchard surrounded by a dozen trees, and your picture of an apple blossom can still take me home. Heal quickly, your plants need you!
Those apple tree flowers are just awesome.They've brighten my day!
Hi, Jan!
If I'd gone a couple years without the fragrance of lilacs, I, too, would demand the Mistah stop that car! :))
Thx, Laurrie and Grace!
Glad you enjoyed the pics. The trees are certainly making up for what the perennial flowers are lacking this year...
You're on apartment therapy's re-nest 10 Garden Blogs You Really Should Check Out!!! http://www.re-nest.com/re-nest/outdoor/10-garden-blogs-you-really-should-check-out-149006
LOL, oh my roses are nowhere near to blooming Kate! In fact the seeds in my veggie garden are only just beginning to sprout and my lilacs are just showing signs of bloom. It's been a long cold and wet spring here and shows no signs of getting much better really. Reading your post I thought thank goodness, I'm not the only one.
That would be wonderful. I need to head down to south slc soon anyways and hit up the rei store.
About those seeds... >.> I realized a little late that I don't have a sunny spot ready for holly hocks, I'd need to clean an old messy bed/create a new one to give them a good home. If I can get it ready I could plant them but I'm afraid it's already to late in the year. They might have to wait for next year.
Excellent pictures!
I love blooming fruit trees!
Oh Kate, sorry to hear about your accident, hope you heal fast! My lilacs are at the same stage as yours and my roses don't even have buds yet. Your pictures of your fruit trees are fabulous.
Hi, Zombie!;
The hollys are such hearty perennial that you could plant them pretty much any time. :))
Thx, Melanie;
I guess I've starved those poor dear trees of water.. These plentiful rains have certainly taught me a thing or two.
Ugh, my sympathies for the cracked rib. Those injuries are the worst.
All of your fruit tree blossoms make me nostalgic for the spring that's passed (we're full on into summer blooms now). Actually, they make me nostalgic for LAST year, when we HAD fruit tree blossoms. This year they decided to pack it in, due to late cold and rain, or lack of winter water.
Thanks. I retwit it on my Twiiter
Bob Peters, CA
The weather is perfect. It's so inviting to enjoy yourself at times!
My dandelions and other weeds are getting a free pass this summer as well, darn it all. Sorry to hear about your accident.
Kate, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident--I know broken ribs are supposed to be very painful, and there's not much you can do but rest. I hope you can just sit and enjoy all your new blooms; those weeds will wait.
Blooms around here seem to be on a different time schedule this year, too. My lilies are late and my coneflowers are early.
Hmmm, I think I'd like Zombieballerina's address:)
Hey - I am certainly glad to find this. Good job!
no roses here, either. Feel better, soon.
I have not seen some the of the flowers there. They look beautiful by the way.
Our roses are blooming at 5000 ft. You can't be too far behind...
I hope you are healing well, Kate. It is no fun being home, and seeing things that need to be done, and not being able to do them.
Here I am, off for the summer, and not managing my time so well, as usual. I need to spend less time on the computer. That could help. Also, though, I've been looking up information on plants that I may want to put in the new front yard bed. That has consumed a lot of my time and money.
I forgot to say I love the look of your blog. It's awesome!
Amazing pictures!!! I love them all!
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