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Primrose is a very early bloomer, loving cold temperatures. |
What's your favorite time in the garden? Mine is right now. When tiny green shoots are poking up all over the place, promising pretty things to come.
Sad to say, it's too early to plant. And, of course, that makes me itchy. Trying desperately to avoid the local nurseries, tempting me with new flowers that will surely freeze ~ should I lose control and jump the gun.
So, while I'm spinning my wheels, waiting ever so impatiently for Memorial Day to come, here's a salute to the 10 hardest working perennials in my waterwise gardens. These gals bloom for at least 8 weeks, some 12 or 16 weeks. All are drought-tolerant, much-loved by hummingbirds, butterflies, and most everyone who bikes past the Street Garden.
May Night Salvia
Salvia x superba
Flowers: June - August, with deadheading
Full sun
USDA zones 5-9
USDA zones 5-9
Tickseed Coreopsis
Coreopsis lanceolata
Flowers: June - September, with deadheading
Full sun
USDA zones 5-9
Munstead Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia
Flowers: July - October
Full sun
USDA zones 4-10
Bellflower Deep Blue Pearls
Campanula carpatica
Flowers: June - September
Full sun
USDA zones 3-8
John Cabot Roses
Flowers: June - October
Full sun
USDA zones 3-7
Geranium himalayense x pratense
Flowers: May - September
Full sun
USDA zones 4-8
USDA zones 4-8

Scrophularia macrantha
Flowers: June - September
Happiest at 6,000 feet or higher
Full sun
USDA zones 5-10
Nepeta x faaseenii 'Six Hills Giant'
Flowers: June - August
Full sun
USDA zones 4-9
USDA zones 4-9

Centranthus Ruber
Flowers: June - August, with deadheading
Full sun
USDA zones 4-9
Allium senescens 'Blue Twister'
Flowers: June - September
Full sun/Loves clay soil
USDA zones 3-8
USDA zones 3-8
Do you have a love affair with 10 special flowers? Do tell!
You have quite a variety for your garden. I like daffodils and roses, mostly because they don't require much work!
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Poppies!!! Icelandic, of course. I also am addicted to the ones that come up through the snow, even though they don't last ten weeks... sigh. Daffodils, tulips, pasque, grape hyacinth (which gave me a monster crop this year!!!)... They end way too quick. Glad to see many of what call my clay home made it to your top ten!
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