This high up in the mountains, things are different. When it's raining on your garden, it's often snowing on mine.

People run when it's raining. They slow down when it snows. They linger, perhaps even to the point of admiring the artistic beauty of a snowflake, or two.
Oh, I know my attitude doesn't sync with most gardeners. They want spring to come early, with no interruptions.

Where I live, that's just never gonna happen. So, perhaps it's a blessing in disguise. My hard work will begin soon enough.

I love your attitude. This time of year I'm usually bitchin' about all the rain but it's the daffodils in my yard that get me through.
I just love these crocus flowers. And you are so right about slowing down for snow and running out of the rain. Good observation.
I/we live @ 8000 feet over here in north eastern New Mexico and so your gardens are always such a delight to me. I've gardened @ 7000 ft in Durango Colo for 10 years and loved it. But that was much different than here. Here it is all rifts off of the Sangre de Cristos mtns and it is dry dry, did I mention dry. The natural wildflowers do great tho and I'm concentrating on using those more and more. this is our 3rd spring and my tulips just aren't doing anything. I've added extra water here and there, but they are all dried up. the green is great but the flower head just isn't there. Do you have any suggestions? I have them at the right depth, but I'm wondering if I should add more richer soils than I am.
Anyway I love your blog even tho I don't comment all the time.
peace n abundance,
Rest assured, Rilly ~ I have my share of bitch sessions about the weather, too. :D
Thanks, CheyAnne;
I'm heading your way next Saturday! Doing the Cinco de Mayo Trail Ride down there south of ABQ.
Your area might not be cold enough for hybridized tulips. They need a deep chill to get flowering. Heirlooms are tougher. You could try adding some bone meal, which is a great fertilizer for tulips. (Don't do that if you have dogs, though. Get's them all excited and they'll dig up the bulbs!)
Have a great weekend!
I am one of those gardeners who is always in a hurry for winter to depart and spring to get here.
Your so brave to just except snow and cold. LOL!
Your crocus do look lovely and the colors are much brighter looking against the snow.
Have a wonderful weekend Kate!
Happy Birthday, Lona!
I hope your friends showered you will all sorts of gardening gifts. ;>)
hi very helpfull ask for peter poland
The crocus look so pretty in the snow.
I almost thought that third image down was a load of small lilac birds! I was going to say they're beautiful and then realised they're flowers... how silly of me! Still, they're beautiful regardless (and purple birds would be weird)
tenemos un casting abierto para las mejores Prepagos de toda colobia! No dudes en unirte a la familia mas grade de latam!
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