There was Death by Dehydration (RIP beloved Canterbury Bells.)
Death by Shameless Neglect! (I'll never forget you, Lord Baltimore.)
Death by Strangulation! (Who's got time to pull all those weeds?)
Death by Scary Critters! (No tippy toeing through the tulips for this little lady.)

Goodbye my little cabbage. The icy fingers of a frosty night squeezed the life right out of you [and the rest of my heirloom veggies.]
Suddenly, without a sound. Without a warning of any kind...
A crime of passion that should have the neighbors gossiping well into the next decade.
The premeditated murder of every jolly little houseplant that had bugs or refused to bloom... Such senseless brutality!
I was a lazy, lazy gardener this summer. Forgetting to water, forgetting to weed. I didn't fertilize my flowers even once all summer long. I planted a lot of goodies but my lazy ways upped the body count, big time.

PS: Happy Halloween :)