I can read 'em! Have not, as yet, mastered the patience to respond.
Of course, there's no real reason to respond. It's pretty much a statement of fact that plans to saddle up the horses were, once again, rained out.
This was going to be a major horsey weekend! 'Twas the Strawberry Endurance Ride and K had volunteered to coordinate the camping.
Now, when I think of camping, I drag out my ratty, old tent. When K decides to camp she - get this! - rents a 2 bedroom RV! So I was all excited about roughing it.

But then the rains came (again) to foil our plans and dampen our spirits. I don't know why I thought they wouldn't. It has rained incessantly for so long I hardly remember the beauty of this high plains desert.

Sorry to hear your weekend got rained on.
One question: who gets the massage, horse or rider or both?
Yeah, that was too bad. It was a muddy, sloppy, cold and miserable mess!
Horse massage -- They're the ones that did all the hard work!
I guess if it was for you, the masseuse would have to be working on your derriere since that's the part that would have received the workout.
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