Wildflowers of Cascade Springs:
It's been raining like crazy and the wildflowers are going nuts. I'm not very good at identifying wildflowers so if you know who they are, send me an email...

I am (for the most part) a pretty good girl. A task master I guess you'd call me. Scribbling out a list every morning and chipping away at that mountain of pesky chores. The ones we all have. Those things which need doing.

Only some days I throw up my hands and think:
"What is the point? Does anyone ever notice?"
But, of course, they do notice. Not so much your successes. Pretty much only the failures. (Clean the house, they'll find a dusty corner. Weed your entire garden and rest assured, the first visitor who stops by will point out the one weed you missed.)
'Tis an odd quirk of humans ~ how they tend to search high and low to find fault. As if it's too much for them to look beyond the small details, embrace a big picture, and simply say: "Wow. You did a good job."

And, that I think, is what prompted me to be an hour and a half late getting back to the office yesterday. No, I did not forget about that conference call. I was just having a hard time remembering why it mattered!

Coming back from my riding lesson, I impulsively took a left turn and scooted 7 miles off the beaten path. To a special little decompression chamber called Cascade Springs.
You don't need 4WD on the bumpy road to Cascade Springs. However! Good shock absorbers are worth their weight in gold.
Because sometimes just walking outdoors and breathing the free air can bring a tired soul [like mine] back to life.

* Cascade Springs is located above the Heber Valley (Utah) near Sundance. When I got there they wanted 10 bucks to get in so these photos were taken outside the real place.
Since I don't know your local flora, I decided to do a comment instead of email, on accounta I'm totally envious of those two very BLUE penstemon you pictured, esp. #1.
I didn't realize the bushy blue plant was also a penstemon. My photo didn't really do it justice. Much prettier in real life. :)
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