* Edward Gorey was a brilliantly talented American artist-illustrator who might appreciate me using the term: RIP (1925-2000).
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Buyer Beware

Jack O’Lanterns were hybridized to ward off evil spirits and provide a riotous good time when you steal them from the neighbor's porch and smash 'em in the street.
Heirloom Variety Pie Pumpkins are prized for their firm texture and sweet flavor. (Jacks are bland and watery.) The best pie varieties are Small Sugar, Winter Luxury and Rouge Vif d'Etampes.
If you're going to all the trouble* of making a pumpkin pie from scratch, you're obviously a romantic. So, purchase a Rouge Vif d'Etampes. It was the prototype for Cinderella's carriage and is sometimes sold as the Cinderella Pumpkin.
But, that means the time to make your pie just went from 4 hours to 4 months because you might have to grow this pumpkin yourself. I’ve never seen a supermarket sell anything but Small Sugars, though these are quite tasty, too.
Pie Pumpkins are good for more than just pie. Click here for a fabulous Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe with gingersnap cookie and pecan crust!
* Canned pumpkin purée is one of the few items where canned product quality is about equal to fresh - though I've found NO documented cases where a can of pumpkin purée warded off evil spirits with any success.
* Rouge Vif d'Etampes means Deep, Red Pumpkin - which is a little misleading, since it's red/orange. Oh, how the French love to toy with anyone who can't speak the language...
* Buy seeds from Burpee - they invented this pumpkin, back in 1883.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hell's Half Acre

Yes, it's snowing.
Yes, that's early.
Yes, I'm none too thrilled.
Yes, that's early.
Yes, I'm none too thrilled.
Was trying to be kind to a California Gardener this a.m. asking about high altitude gardening. Perhaps I should have just sent him this photo.
Some days I'm not sure what I enjoy more ~ gardening? Or, complaining about my garden.
Question: What's your growing zone?
A: Zones? What zones?
We don't need no freakin' zones!
(Not indoors anyway.)
A: Zones? What zones?
We don't need no freakin' zones!
(Not indoors anyway.)

You know the type... they search high and low for perfection before making a commitment. They scan the horizon, authoritatively place hands on hips, and finally proclaim: Now this spot... Right here... this would be ideal for a garden.
As opposed to me. Who spotted a house with lots of sun and a pretty view, saw that my horses could live right down the road and happily announced: Works for me!
Q: Soil conditions?
√ Slow to drain
√ Slow to warm
√ Like concrete in the summertime!
(If that's music to your ears, you're stuck with clay soil, too.)
√ Slow to drain
√ Slow to warm
√ Like concrete in the summertime!
(If that's music to your ears, you're stuck with clay soil, too.)
Which leaves me to wonder... If I lived in a hospitable area where I had nothing to complain about... Whatever would I do to pass the time?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pink Tuesday
Monday, October 26, 2009
iCameras and My Discomfort Zone

Enough with the music already. Isn't it about time Apple invented the iCamera? As in a tiny contact lens I wear in my eye? All I gotta do is blink... to capture the world around me. [Simply plug the digital camera cable into your ear to retrieve the data.]
Now that's a convenient piece of technology I could get my head around.

Doubtful even a fancy gadget like the iCamera would have lit my fire on last week's Friday Afternoon (hiking) Club when I took 2 - as opposed to my usual 200 - photos.

This, of course, had Bad Dog delighted. And, I'll admit I was thrilled to finally have a witness to his insanity. He likes to lay on his back and slide, head first, down snowy hills. (Just like this cute pup!)
Summer, it seems, went by in a blink. The shoes are off the horses. The blooms are off the rose.With this being possibly, probably the last of the gorgeous late Autumn days I'm worried...
With winter a comin'
and, the weather a drizzlin'
Whatever shall I do?
and, the weather a drizzlin'
Whatever shall I do?
I need a hobby. A goal. A plan! A purpose! Or, at the very least, a ticket to New Zealand.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Hobgoblin of Little Budgets

But I couldn't resist when I spotted Amaryllis bulbs on sale for 5 bucks.
I s'pose I could just give everyone on my Christmas list a bulb. They come in cute little boxes. Except that giving just the bulb is a clear indicator I'm a 5 buck cheapskate.

Maybe even 10.

I realize my Amaryllis bulbs aren't all that creative. But, they're affordable. And, they're gorgeous. Therefore I think they'll do the trick.
PS: If I were growing them for myself, I'd simply sprout them in water. Amaryllis bulbs forced in a vase vs. soil tend to bloom in half the time. (About 4 weeks vs. 8.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Leaf Peeping in City Creek Canyon

Few trees have shed their leaves in my neck of the woods. But, that's mostly because Park City doesn't have any 'woods.'

Those big old trees who carpet our trail with crunchy sound effects, providing a colorful canopy for autumn adventures.

Everybody else seems perfectly capable of doing this. Not sure why it's beyond our level of comprehension.

New Do!
In honor of leaf peeping, it being my birthday, and... perhaps the beginning of [yet another] midlife crisis... I dyed my blonde locks to match the fall foliage.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Death of the Garden
Friday, October 16, 2009
Daycation to Antelope Island

One of the Morton Salt company's largest facilities is located in Salt Lake City.

* Guest photographer while Kate wastes her weekend horseback riding.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Blog Action Day: What's Cookin' in Your Garden?

What Climate Change means to them.
It's taken the USDA 16 years (?!) to publish a new growing zone map. Perhaps they didn't want to stir up trouble. This new one confirms what savvy gardeners have known for quite some time. Our gardens have warmed up, most by a full growing zone:
I'm a 2!
What are you?
What are you?

Which are subsequently destroyed by armies of grasshoppers, pine beetles, and bugs that never visited this high altitude garden before.
One step to reversing this trend is easier than you might think. Do you know the environmentally friendly move that's more helpful than...?
What could it be?
Planting a tree!
Planting a tree!
"The net cooling effect of one healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day." - U.S. Department of Agriculture
There are tons of valid, complex reasons for climate change but here's something that's fairly easy to fix: Brick, mortar, asphalt... the concrete jungles of our cities warm the earth. Trees cool it down. Trees, and other greenery, would happily grow on the rooftops of any structure we build.
"One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and puts out four tons of oxygen. This is enough to meet the annual needs of 18 people." - U.S. Department of Agriculture
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
283 Bulbs + 5 Blisters = High Hopes 4 Springtime
Final tally: 283 flower bulbs.
Those 3 extra Tulip bulbs traveled from Amsterdam to Park City, Utah ~ stowaways in Sandy's suitcase. And, I was ever so grateful.
I planted those special 3 in the center of a HUGE circle of Daffies and Allium bulbs. In the high hopes that this bad-smelling bulb strategy might outsmart the infernal critters snooping around for tasty tulips.
I went a little hog wild this year. Ordered most of them from the same company. Imagine how delighted that company must be, assuming all sorts of future profits from this big spender bulb-aholic!
Alas, they will be sorely disappointed. This was a one time deal simply because I was lonely. I traveled the entire month of September. Realized I was missing my gardens when I found myself pulling weeds at our cabin on the Oregon shore.
That inspired me to busy myself on the airplane, writing a great big bulb order.
Now, I assume you know the do's and don'ts of great big bulb orders, right? Send it off immediately! Before you have the good sense to think about the cost and all that hard work. :)

This one's for you, Jan!
Perhaps this is the needlepoint pattern I should try my luck at this winter?
That could take me 'til April and beyond... :D
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fondue and a Fancy Cup of Tea
It's my birthday on Friday. And, it just so happens I'm friends with two of the luckiest people in the world. Oh, not 'cause I'm their friend - Good Lord, No! - that could be a con, not a pro.
They're lucky because they enter contests and they win! Quite often! Very foreign territory for me. Back in high school, I won a pair of false eyelashes at Louie's Lift a Gift ~ our nickname for the local drug store. [Mom wouldn't even let me wear them.] And, that's it. My less than 15 minutes of fame.
In spite of entering writing contests, pure luck sweepstakes, lottos, horse races, blogging battles and photo essays... I come up short each and every time.
Fortunately for me, they don't. They recently won dinner for 8 at a fondue restaurant ~ which prompted them to throw a birthday party for moi!
If that wasn't marvelous enough I was gifted with a little somethin' I'd wanted for quite some time: a top o' the cup tea infuser and 3 oh so fragrant blends of loose tea.
Wisconsin Trio Cheese Fondue

6 oz. shredded Gouda Cheese
6 oz. shredded Fontina Cheese
3 Tbsp flour
* Toss shredded cheese and flour together for better fondue texture.
Stir in:
3/4 cup white wine
1/4 cup dry sherry
2 tsp chopped shallots
1 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
2 Tbsp chopped scallions
We finished off the night with chocolate fondue. I won't provide that recipe because it's so tasty it might make you weep.
Grow A Tea Garden:
Plenty of herbs blossom happily in your garden, from which you can make herbal tea. 'Real Tea' comes from a pretty flowering shrub called Camellia sinensis. Ms. Camellia's leaves and leaf buds make black, green and oolong teas. Great for container gardening. USDA zone 7.
Oh! And, by the way...
I've been swilling tea for decades because it's loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants. Chances are you do, too.
I recently learned... drinking tea matters not unless you steep it with lemons. Yep, lemons. Apparently without the lemon juice your body can't absorb those ultra-amazing antioxidants. Let's file this one under "Now ya tell me."
Monday, October 12, 2009
After the Swarm: New Victims!
Last Halloween, I had my very own killing spree! Bumped off every flowering houseplant that had graced my sunny window. L pleaded clemency for a couple of the extra special ones. The rest of those bug-filled urchins were tossed, unceremoniously, into the compost pile.
I have a big, wonderful, sunny, south-facing bay window. [Keeps me sane in the winter time.] In it, I can grow pretty much everything, including bell peppers and lettuce when I'm feeling cranky about produce prices.
I spend all winter putzing with the flowers in that sunny window. I scoop 'em up at the local supermarket ~ most of the ones I murdered last Halloween had been living in there for years.
That window is a great incubator for bugs, too. Annoying, conniving, practically impossible to eliminate, indoor houseplant bugs. They can easily reach swarm capacity if you're a lazy housekeeper such as myself.
I made a valiant effort to win this war. Tried a number of homespun bug remedies. But, I'd let the situation get too far out of hand. So, I threw in the proverbial towel, sent the plants (and the bugs!) to the sweet hereafter.

Ugly Bugs:
- Aphids: Persistent little green, brown, black bugs that collect on new plant growth.
- Mealy Bugs: White fluffy stuff collecting on plant stems.
- Scale: Hard brown shell hides a despicable character inside.
- Spider Mites: Tiny webs appear on flowers and leaves.
* There are lots of chemical bug pesticides but some can also kill your cat.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Overkill on the Daffodil

Before you rush to congratulate me on all that hard work I should confess that 60 of them were Grape Hyacinth bulbs (Muscari.) If those little buggers take more than 10 seconds to plant... well, then, I might be doing a wonderful job but I'm doing it all wrong.
I look like a lunatic out there, marching around with one of those tall, green, garden stakes. I poke a hole in the dirt, drop in a bulb. Cover it up. Move a few inches down the garden path and do it again. Oh, I suppose there are easier ways to plant bulbs. But Bad Dog keeps thinking that garden stake is a stick I intend to throw. He keeps me company the whole time I'm out there ~ with the high hopes I might toss it.
125 Daffies: big ones, small ones, wild ones and more.
"Why so many?" Asks my well-meaning neighbor. You think that's too many? It's not nearly enough!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Steam & Fall Planted Bulbs
Think about it for a moment and I bet you'll land on the logical answer.

Back to steam and fall bulb planting. Give up? Oh, come on! I just gave you a great hint!
It's about me running out of steam...
Been playing in the mud for 6 fun months but the weather is changing, now, and so is my burning desire to dig more holes.
Only this year, I premeditated lazy. Ordered bulbs early. Ordered a lot. They're here and there's no point in whining. Somebody's gotta plant them & I suppose that somebody will be me.

* Grape Hyacinths
* Pheasant Eye Daffodils
* Red Devon Daffodils
And! Vuurbaak! These glorious red, rare, bordering on gaudy but that's a good thing heirloom Hyacinths are goodies I purchased from Old House Gardens. I love that joint. (They did not pay me to give 'em a plug, though I'm just shameless enough I would probably work for bulbs...)
Why red? Because everybody else will be planting purple, that's why.

- Heirloom Hyacinths are an endangered bulb.
- They come in all sorts of spectacular colors.
Plus, they have a lovely fragrance ~ much nicer than the purple, pink, white hybrids big retailers sell.
I buy from big retailers, too. I'd need to win the lottery before I could fill my entire garden with heirloom bulbs. In addition to those bargain bulbs I like to support the cause and purchase a few heirloom bulbs to brag about.
Last year I planted Gipsy Queens (I did not spell that wrong. The plant owner did.) A luscious apricot Hyacinth. Here's hoping Ms. Vuurbaak is just as delightful.

* When I say 'born' think of it as the original Hyacinth bulb is Great, Great Grandma and the bulbs with the same name we buy right now are members of a proud, authentic lineage who have not been putzed with or futzed with in any way, shape or color.
** Because heirlooms flower bulbs naturally create offspring - new bulbs (clones?) each year.
Click here to discover why heirloom bulbs are so wonderful.
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