Sunday, February 13, 2011

San Valentino Felice

On our afternoon excursion, my Italian friend asked me if I'm noticing lots of things that are different, special, truly European. Having lived here for 3 years, now, it's all feeling very normal to her.

The mere fact that when we visit neighboring towns we go there on our bicycles vs. cars is, of course, about as non-American as one could be.

When we arrived, this little village captured my heart even more so than Bressanone (where I am living.)

Strolling through the narrow streets of Chiusa, we discovered the local florist. A shop the size of a postage stamp, filled to the brim with the prettiest little Valentine's gifts:

Colorful planters and eager spring bulbs anxious to decorate our window sills.

And here I am... on a bike... unable to buy out the store. :(

San Valentino Felice means Happy Valentine's Day in Italian. I hope you have a good one.

** This is my bloggin' diary from Bressanone, Italy, where I'm living, and working, for the month of February.


Carol said...

I am in Love!! Hugs and much love to you Kate! Thanks so for sharing your wonderful new surroundings.

Carolyn ♥ said...

San Valentino Felice right back to you. Love those little planters!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Yay! I'm glad you liked that florist. They are such cute planters. I sooo wished I could have scooped one up.

Happy Valentines to both of you. :))

A Garden of Threads said...

I would love a little Valentine planter like those, they are so cute. Happy Valentine's. I am so enjoying the tours. Take care and enjoy.

Rose said...

And a Happy Valentine's Day to you, Kate! I've been strolling through all your posts since you arrived in Italy and am loving it. What a wonderful way to spend February, my least favorite month of the year. Cobblestone streets, magnificent churches, and... chocolate croissants--looks like Paradise to me!

Kate Walz said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Kate! Looks so pretty where you are. I love the planters and all the colors in your photos. Sometimes the best treasures are ones we just happen upon by chance. Keep riding your bike and snapping photos of those gems! :)

Wally said...

Beautiful photos, what a gorgeous place!