Thursday, March 24, 2011

At Last...

"We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing." 
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
My garden is my gym, my playground and my church.

When it's flowering up a storm, it's a wildlife sanctuary, bird aviary and butterfly brothel.

And, finally, after a long and tiresome winter... it's back in business!

Ah, spring. A gorgeous sunny day boosted my spirits, prompting a look-see around the property.

Tiny green shoots popping up all over the place. Hyacinth, Crocus, Wildflowers and Windflowers shake off the filthy remnants of winter, stretching their narrow stems toward the sun.

Feisty little blossoms, the first of my big bulb army. There's close to 500 bulbs sound asleep in this soil. If our warm weather continues, April could be a colorful surprise.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... I brush, brush, and brush some more. Mountains of winter fur fly off the mares.

Shots done, shoes on, there's excitement in the air and the horses can smell it. We're off on our first trail ride, come Saturday morning.

Song birds flit about, cocking their heads toward my hard work. Hmmm... they think to themselves, that horse hair could make a stylish addition to our new nests.

In the meadow across the way, I hear the frenzied honking of geese and cranes as they set up shop for summer.

Seems everywhere I look this world is showing fresh signs of new beginnings.

Ah... Deep breath. Spring at last.


Victoria said...

yay!! What a beautifully uplifting post..gorgeous blooms and lovely are so lucky! Happy Spring ..I am still waiting..but for now i will enjoy yours!

Anonymous said...

I can *smell* spring, as well as see it through your eyes- just reading this. I'll have to enjoy yours for a while; spring flowers won't bloom here for quite some time!

growingagardenindavis said...

I can hear your joy! It looks wonderful there.

Carolyn ♥ said...

Thanks for the energy boost. Great post. I'm ready... bring Spring on.

Anonymous said...

There are a few signs of spring right now. Glad you're noticing them. I'm ready for warmer days and colorful blooms!

A Garden of Threads said...

A perfect outing for a spring day. Have a wonderful time. Take care, Jen.

jan said...

Thanks for sharing your spring! I hope you have a great ride!

Laurrie said...

How I wish I was on that trail ride with you. I loved your opening about the garden being your gym, your church, etc. --- and a butterfly brothel no less : ) Loved it!

ProfessorRoush said...

Congratulations! Interesting that your grape hyacinths are blooming in the snow. Mine bloom later. Must be a different cultivar/species?

Snowcatcher said...

My daffodils are about ready to bloom, and the hyacinths are just beginning to poke through the rocks, so what a delightful post this was, especially how the birds might be using your brushings as the first step toward new life!

Liz said...

I love spring, even when it snows. Hope your can still get out tomorrow!

Rose said...

Lovely, Kate! There's nothing like the first glorious days of spring to make you feel recharged again. Enjoy your ride; I'm sure the birds are appreciating all that nice horsehair for their nests. I do have bulbs blooming, but I'm waiting for warmer days and the 'butterfly brothel' to appear here:)

Unknown said...

Hooray for spring. I have just a few wee crokies and mini iris blooming, but that's a sure sign the later bulbs are almost ready. Hey, WHAT is that gorgeous blue flower -- the 2nd one down? Can that be ..... forget-me-nots? Blooming this yearly? I want some of those, whatever they are.

Marguerite said...

Hooray for spring! Your bulbs are wonderful and it must be tremendously exciting to get back outside and ride your horses once again. Trail riding sounds like a wonderful way to spend a sunny day.

Shanae Branham said...

How beautiful. I love the thought that your garden is your playground, sanctuary and your church. May peace surround you.

Tessa @ Blunders with Shoots, Blossoms 'n Roots said...

Yay! Finally! I'm so looking forward to our year getting going- weather here has been really troublesome- with lower than normal temps and a lot of wind I'm about to go crazy. I blame La Nina! Horses look like they're ready to go :)

Happy spring to you, Kate.

Kate Walz said...

Yea spring! you have some beautiful colors already - can't wait to see what your bulbs produce next month. Thanks for the lovely post... it put a "spring" in my step!

Mariana said...

Uplifting and inspiring post. It seems that spring has finally arrived to stay and that it is encouraging all of us to take care of our blossoming wonderful gardens.

Anna said...

Reading your blog has really inspired me to take good care of my small garden.

Janie said...

Spring is such a wonderful time of year. I love checking out those first shoots in the garden.
Hope you had a great first trail ride!