Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesdays: Wee Bit O' the Emerald Isle

Powerscourt Gardens, Dublin, Ireland
St. Stephens Square, Dublin

Town of Wexford
Cliffs of Moher, Galway (those dots on top of the cliff are people.)
Dingle Peninsula
Town of Kinsale
Blarney Castle

Happy WW and Happy [early] St. Paddy's Day!

For more Wordless Wednesday participants, click here!


PippaD said...

Some lovely images there. I am hoping to visit Ireland myself this year.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful pictures!

caite said...

Great photos...
I love of the most beautiful places I have ever seen...and Dingle and especially Kinsale.
And my father was once a ticket taker at Blarney

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Thx Pippa ~ You will LOVE it over there!

Thx, Ashlee ~ Yours are grand too!

Happy WW! :)

D said...

Beautiful photos! and have you ever kissed the Blarney stone? :)

We had a most delicious chocolate treat three nights ago and then again two nights ago. We split, ration, savor... you are so sweet. Thank you.

Shady Gardener said...

Hi Kate, When were you in Ireland? The photos are wonderful - and it sounds like you had a great time!! Mr. Shady and I visited England and Scotland 6 years ago - wouldn't I love to take the trip to Ireland!??

Dorothy said...

Oh, what gorgeous photos!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

What a lucky Dad you have! Was this before or after he became your pops? I'm imagining you running around the castle while he's taking tickets. :)

Hi, Di!
I did kiss the Blarney Stone. It's kind of weird the way they hang you over that ledge.. I'm so glad you enjoyed your little treat. I wish my suitcase had been larger. I would have brought back many more of those goodies...

Happy WW, Shady!
It was a few years ago. My daughter and I toured the southern half. Such a beautiful place. I would dearly love to go back.

Faythe said...

what a timely post! when did you visit? the views are amazing & beautiful, my friend.

eileeninmd said...

Wopw, gorgeous scenes and photos. Ireland is one of my dream trips. I would love to go someday. At least for now I can enjoy your images.

Carol said...

Beautiful photographs of wonderful places Kate! I would love to step into every one of them. Chocolate is sweet but knowing you makes it all the more so. ;>)

Jidhu Jose said...

wordless shots
happy WW

Beth F said...

Lovely series!

Mariana said...

Great photos! It is true that Ireland is the green country. The closest I have been there is Wales, but I would love to visit it some day in the future. It must be really very nice.

sweetbay said...

These images are beautiful beyond words... no doubt that Ireland truly is The Emerald Isle.

Marguerite said...

Love these images. I have always wanted to visit Ireland.

Kate Walz said...

What a great post and just in time for St. Patrick's Day. I watched a movie last night that took place in Ireland and made me want to go back to visit. Such a beautiful country. Thanks for the smile!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Kate! Such saturated colors!

Sassy B. said...

Magnificent! Your photos have cast a spell on me. Must go to Ireland.

Lona said...

How beautiful Kate! That is one country I have always wanted to visit.Not just because of old ancestors but because of the charm of the country and so many old structures.Since I am a Genealogist the picture of the cemetery is fascinating to me. Wonderful and colorful buildings too. Lovely pictures!

Lynne said...

Hi Kate,
I check your blog now and again but have only commented once before.

WOW, beautiful images! I'm not sure which one is my favorite. I went to Dublin last year in early May and I wasn't too impressed. Your photos tell a different story of getting out into the countryside!

Also loved you diary from Italy. After living in Europe myself for over seven years (and 3 different countries, but not Italy) I can certainly relate. I would go back to live in a heartbeat--especially France. The culture is so deep that you can wallow in it.

Lynne in NJ

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Thanks, everyone. :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Wordless Wednesday to all of you..

Lynne -- How lucky for you to be able to live in Europe for so long. My dream is to do a year somewhere. Ideally Ireland. I highly doubt I'll ever be able to make that happen. But, I can dream!

Jan said...

Oh Kate, these photos are wonderful! Looks like a marvelous time was had by all;-) I still haven't posted about my trip to Europe last summer. All of the photos were on my hard drive which has now died. My daughter has copies on her computer that she uploaded so I will get some back eventually. I kept putting off 'backing up the hard drive'. Never again! Happy (almost) spring!

Sonia said...

After enjoying these amazing pictures the only thing I can say is Happy St Patrick's Day!

Snowcatcher said...

How dreamy and appropriate! There's not a single picture in there I wouldn't love to see in person! But the flowers probably are my favorite...

Rose said...

Beautiful, Kate! The next best thing to actually being there. Hope you had a happy St. Patrick's Day!

Carolyn ♥ said...

I'm going there some day... maybe only vicariously through my friends. Beautiful!

Janie said...

Irish green is beyond beautiful. I want to go there someday.
Love the photo of the cliffs.