Yikes. This might be a sign of old age:

Until recently. This spring, I have a burning desire to live off the land. Grow pure and wholesome heirloom veggies! My own personal Garden of Eden, if you will. (Who knows? Come harvest, I might be dancing around out there, naked.)

So, here's my plan: I shall grow them in containers on the deck and bestow this bounty on all my friends.
If they taste like crap I've got that covered, too. I have mean neighbor who deserves a bushel basket of this stuff...

Seeds of Change contributes $$ to advance the cause of sustainable organic agriculture worldwide. I think that's pretty cool...
My gardening prejudice is annual flowers. What a waste of time and money! I always think - they only grow for one summer! And they're so fussy, with their "need to be watered all the time" demands. By pure coincidence, my garden has long stretches when it has no flowers at all.
Hey there, Kate! I've been mia but occasionally get to see you're enjoying life. You are gonna love your vegetables! We steamed broccoli last night that was picked 20 minutes prior and they were sweet as anything. Grill zucchini, corn, carrots and eggplant this summer, and make your own spaghetti sauce. Now what sounds better than that?
Hey there, Kate! I've been mia but occasionally get to see you're enjoying life. You are gonna love your vegetables! We steamed broccoli last night that was picked 20 minutes prior and they were sweet as anything. Grill zucchini, corn, carrots and eggplant this summer, and make your own spaghetti sauce. Now what sounds better than that?
Hey there, Kate! I've been mia but occasionally get to see you're enjoying life. You are gonna love your vegetables! We steamed broccoli last night that was picked 20 minutes prior and they were sweet as anything. Grill zucchini, corn, carrots and eggplant this summer, and make your own spaghetti sauce. Now what sounds better than that?
Hey there, Kate! I've been mia but occasionally get to see you're enjoying life. You are gonna love your vegetables! We steamed broccoli last night that was picked 20 minutes prior and they were sweet as anything. Grill zucchini, corn, carrots and eggplant this summer, and make your own spaghetti sauce. Now what sounds better than that?
Seeds of Change does sound cool. As agriculture and farming becomes more commercialized and focused on GM foods and pesticides I think more people will become more interested in producing their own food. Plus there's nothing like picking food out of your own garden.
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