And, suffer the slings and arrows of a magically disappearing fortune [aka money down the drain on a most beloved animal / money I don't really have.]
Or, chicken out on this as I do most major decisions in life.
Just thought I'd toss this one out into the universe in case anyone has some wise advice.
The more I think about it, the more confused I become. Because... 'conscious thought doth make cowards of us all...'

* Yep, I am bastardizing Shakespeare's Hamlet. If Mel Gibson can get away with such things, so can I. Nobody does it better than Ken.
** And, besides, it's kind of fun to be melodramatic once in awhile.
Re: Buying a horse;...Are you out of your G_d_ mind!? -your brother.
You're against this idea? Suddenly it's sounding better and better...
Now Kate, beware of cutting off your nose to spite your brother. It can be way fun until you realize the bleeding (hay, oats, vet bills, blacksmith, etc.) isn't stopping...
(Of course I'm only saying this because it would that mean you would achieve my childhood-long unrealized dream of owning a horse and I'd be hideously jealous.)
Oh, that just cracked me up! I, too, have a brother.
I say go for it. If it proves to be too much financially you can always find her/him another home. Horses seem to be bought and sold much easier than dogs and cats. My other horse friend changes her horse's name to "For Sale" whenever she acts up. The trick would be not to get too attached. Easier said than done for me.
Oh, please do! If you buy that horse then we won't have to listen to you whine about it any more ha ha. - Kris
Buy two! Then we can ride together! - SH
Why don't you buy one, too? Then I wouldn't be so scared. Safety in numbers & all that jazz.
Don't do it. I know you love horses but you'll be sorry.
Do it! Think of all the high-end organic matter you can put in your flower beds! You gotta love horse manure! It's the best.
Ernie Sue
hell yes! ya know you want to!
They live forever, like parrots. Charming for awhile but after awhile its too much - L
'ay, that's the rub. she cannot be that fair.'
t'would be the 'death of you.' (max)
Follow your heart.
Thanks, Lynda. I test drove a pretty little pony named Peaches yesterday. She was perfect in every way. Except for the price tag. Isn't that always the way it goes? :((
How many years have you been asking for a pony? Get off the fence, GF! - E
El -- asking for a pony and actually paying for a pony are 2 different things entirely... Now if you wanted to buy me this pony I'd be all over that!
Sounds like its something you know you want to do. Horses are a lot of work but if things didn't work out and its a good horse you could always find a new home for it.
people are far too cautious these days. if you want a horse buy a horse. you will figure out how to make it work!
Dont buy, ride mine. They never stop eating. You can have mine if you want them. Do you know how expensive they are? DS
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