Ah, summer... those were the days. Before I had a mountain of snow clogging my driveway and life felt [almost] under control.

This dilemma began with the folks who insist on sending important stuff like paychecks via snail mail. From there, we can implicate the overzealous snow plow guy. He's crushed 3 of my (rural) mailboxes in 4 short weeks.
Next up, the mailman. This rat promised faithfully to hold my mail at the post office and then immediately lost every single envelope with my name on it.
5 Stamps to Bermuda
So, there I was standing in line at the post office. Listening to them explain how they returned all my mail 'address unknown.' Apparently, without a mailbox, I don't exist. But, I have a mailbox, I declared. I bought a pretty one right inside your building, here, so you couldn't screw up anymore!"
And, that's when the customer at the next window asked how much it costs to mail a letter to Bermuda.
Why mail it? Let's just go!

* Campanula Champion Blue: There's nothin' blue about 'em. They are the truest purple flower I've ever grown. USDA zone 5, full sun, drought tolerant. Mature plants stand about 2 feet tall. Find a spot for Bellflowers in your garden.