I'd like to believe that Russians really do quaff a glass of vodka with every meal. It fits neatly into my romantic stereotypes of different cultures.
Plus ~ after my last visit to the grocery store ~ it sounds like a habit we could all embrace.
Who doesn't need a good, stiff drink after they see the price of food these days?
Which is why I've planted quick-growing veggies in containers on my deck. The vegetables I pay a fortune for in the grocery stores won't grow in my short mountain summers. But, their less popular cousins usually do...
Easy to find, quick-growing veggies:- Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach - matures in 42 days
- Coronado Crown Hybrid Broccoli - matures in 58 days
- Early Contender Bush Beans - mature in 49 days
- Little Marvel Sweet Peas - mature in 62 days
- Cold Set Tomatoes - mature in 65 days
- Fat 'N Sassy Hybrid Sweet Pepper - mature in 65 days
- Scarlet Nantes Carrot - matures in 70 days
* This pepper resting on my porch railing would probably prefer to be in the ground but she's growing just fine in a container. You might be surprised how well veggies do for you, in way less than ideal conditions.
Black seeded simpson lettuce is also a good one. It's about 45 days.
Wow what beautiful photos.
hello dear gardening gurus - have any of you tried growing anything up at 3,500+ metres - 14,000ft?! I'm working with a charity that is intending some greenhouse growing in eastern Tibet - any ideas or comments truly welcome
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