Once upon a time, I thought I had what it takes to save the world. So, I majored in education, thrilled at the prospect of becoming a high school teacher. Then I moved to Memphis, did my stint as a student teacher, and promptly tore up that diploma and tossed it into the trash.

- Teenagers are horrid, nasty monsters out to get you.
- If you enter that classroom without a plan B, they'll have precisely what they need to make life lesson #1 come true.
I've been burned too many times by Mother Nature. You see, the second that mean, old, bat hears people talking happily about a 3-day weekend, she hauls out the big guns to ruin their plans.
Which is why, when it comes to Memorial Day weekend, I like to have a plan B. Temperatures will drop to 20 degrees tonight, so this year's plan B involves a good book, a warm fire, and plenty of blankets ~ for me and my flowers.

A nice warm blanket placed over newly planted perennials and tender annuals can foil every trick Mother Nature has up her sleeve.
Another slick trick: water if you know it's gonna get cold. Wet soil holds onto more heat than dry soil.
Amen, Kate.
I woke up to five inches of snow and six hungry elk in my yard. Maybe I'll have some hot cocoa while I'm grilling this "first weekend of the summer."
I dont blame you for not wanting to teach. But advertising??? That is just plain evil
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