When you start your own business, you need all sorts of things to make you look legit. Like a logo and a business card... and a really snappy tag line. I wanted to use this one:
"Up at noon, to work by one, an hour for lunch and then I'm done."
- SW's 7 Dwarfs
- SW's 7 Dwarfs
My biz partner thought it made us sound lazy. I argued that honesty might be the best policy. We ultimately chose a tag line that made us sound hard-working and I gotta tell ya... I've regretted it ever since.
Especially today when I kept staring out the window wishing I could be in the garden, planting the goodies I picked up over the weekend. Meet Lucy ~ my pink flowering tree:

Veronica Georgia Blue is a non-invasive ground cover, a cute companion to this pretty tree because I think I'll shoot myself if I have to spend one more dollar on shredded bark mulch.
Hi Kate ~ Found you on Blotanical! I love this post. Nothing wrong with putting the Althea in a pot! Where there's a will, there's a way, right?
I'm going to do some more reading here... :-)
Hi Kate!
I happened upon your blog because I´m researching how to make a beautiful and theraputic garden up at 13,000 ft on the Altiplano of Bolivia. It gets really cold here, but fortunately it rarely snows; the ground freezes in the dry season sometimes. Thank you for writing this blog. Browsing has been lovely and fun! I haven´t had time yet to look at every blog post. If you have specific posts you suggest beginners read, please let me know!
That veronica looks like a very pretty weed i have in my garden.
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