If things don't improve, I might starve.
I photographed my itty bitty zucchini on the smallest saucer I could find so it would look more impressive!
I photographed my itty bitty zucchini on the smallest saucer I could find so it would look more impressive!

I'm extra proud of this little fella. It's an heirloom, Italian zucchini (Cocozelle Bush) that matures in 55 days!
Part of the miniature vegetable garden I planted this spring.
The heirloom Oxheart Carrots didn't stand a chance once horse, Megan, discovered where they were planted.
The rest of these quick-growing veggies fared pretty well.
Mini Zukes are happily stretching their vines all around the Hollyhocks.
PS: These Hollies are heirlooms, too.

I have been trying to find some heirloom hollies around here. All I see in the nurseries are hybrid varieties of the double and variegated sorts. Maybe I am going to need to grow them from seed.
I can send you some Hollyhock seeds! Let me know if you want some.
hey-can i have some too? i have just the spot!
Of course you can! I'll send you both seeds as soon as they are ready. :)
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