After a wild & woolly time at the Tillamook County Fair, the silence of Netarts Bay beckoned. I discovered this sweet, little place several years ago when I visited a friend in Oregon.

If you're a flower lover, you'll be in 7th Heaven in this lovely spot along the Pacific Ocean. Gorgeous blossoms happily flourish without any assistance of the human kind.

The really surprising thing is that if you ask the locals about the wildflowers, most will say, "Oh, I don't know what they are. I never noticed them before."

Calla Lilies grow wild in this magical spot.
Where we stay: It doesn't get any better than the dirt cheap digs at
Happy Camp Hideaway (Cabin 9.)
What we march toward every evening:

For the most amazing meals imaginable, hike the beach to Rosanna's in Oceanside, Oregon. With any luck, the tide will be out ~ so you won't drown on the beach walk home!

Happy Camp Hideaway is real gem along the Oregon coast. Affordable, eclectic cabins are inches away from the ocean. Cabin 9 is the best. Cabin 7 is darling. Cabin 2 is haunted!
* Bruce and Theresa own the joint. Tell them Kate sent you and maybe, just maybe, they'll give me a deal the next time I show up!
* For more pictures of Happy Camp click
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