They say it takes 10 years to grow a garden but I don't know if that's true. The Big Rock Garden is celebrating her first birthday. I planted most of this 45 foot by 25 foot garden last July.

Peppermint Phlox grabs every one's attention.
Fuschia Pincushion Flowers keep her company.

And, last but definitely not least ~ one ultra-stubborn Azalea is preparing to bloom. Azaleas don't grow here. Or, so they say.
I won't tell, if you don't.
Big Rock Garden Plant List:
Barberry, Blanket Flowers, Butterfly Bushes, Catmints, Chokecherries, Coneflowers, Coreopsis, Geraniums, Geums, Hollyhocks, Honeysuckles, Jupiter's Beard, Lavender, Milkweed, Oregano, Penstamons, Phlox, Potentillas, Primrose, Rose Campion, Sage, Salvia, Scabiosas, Spirea, Sunflowers, Torch Lily, Weigela, Yarrow.
Congratulations! I remember when it was just a big dirt mound. Who ever woulda thunk it would mature so well...
I don't think it takes 10 years. Sometimes it takes me a few years. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
I like your big rock garden very much, and would like to have a big rock myself.
Nicely done, Master Gardener! Hmmm seems to me like you have deep pockets! Maybe I'll stick with you for a while. :)
Kate .. you have taken such gorgeous pictures in the evening sun .. I never seem to be able at that time of the day/evening .. so I'm going to enjoy yours for now on ? LOL
I didn't realize I did not have you on my blog roll .. your there now girl ! LOL
nice flowers, I esp like the fuchsia pincushion flower. Haven't seen that color before. thanks for visiting myblog!
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