As I was weeding the garden, I came across these pretty orange Globeflowers relaxing in the cool shade of our Flowering Plum tree. They're such pretty little gals but they aren't long bloomers in my hot, dry garden.

This year, the Globeflowers seem quite taken with their next door neighbor, Salvia.

True blue Salvia and light pink Yarrow cast a good bit of shade on the Globeflowers, keeping them cool on hot summer days.

Speaking of next door neighbors, mine has been extra persuasive lately! Not that I need much arm twisting since I hate weeding and we both love horses. Plus, our horses love each other.

Whenever K sees me outside weeding the garden, she calls from her front porch:
"Wouldn't you rather go for a ride?"And, that's about all the encouragement I need to abandon my chores in favor of some summer fun. My little mare is quite taken with K's brown Thoroughbred. Who could resist his big, sweet mug?
* Orange Princess Globeflower is happier in cooler gardens. Best for USDA zone 4. She also prefers gardeners who water her more often.
* Blue Hills Meadow Sage (Salvia x sylvestris) is the truest blue (and longest blooming!) salvia flowers I have found. USDA zone 5.
Ooh, pretty globe flowers, soft horsie nose. What lovely things to be surrounded with.
Is that trollius? Oooh, ooh, we just bought and planted some for our perennial garden! It looks so pretty!
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