If you're growing this beauty in your garden, please let me know.

Omegamom - I don't think so. She doesn't smell minty.
Kaz - That might be it. But, how could a bog-loving Primula flower so happily in my dry, desert garden?
Here's a better photo ~ the clusters of little, bell-shaped blossoms are really throwing me.
PS: Congrats on that most impressive cucumber harvest, Kaz! My cukes have curled up and died... Omega you are now the expert I'll turn to on 'shrooms.
Not some kind of mint? I looked at it and thought catmint, as did my hubby, but it doesn't match the catmint flower pics I've pulled up. But the leaves sure look like something similar.
Hi there - My name's Kaz, I'm in England, I read Omegamom's blog and I also write my own about growing vegetables on my allotment (fromweedstoseeds.blogspot.com). Omegamom said you'd requested help identifying a plant - could it be a member of the Primula family? Have a look at these pics and see what you think: http://frog-end-wildlife.blogspot.com/2008/04/primulas.html
I'm over from OmegaMom, too...we're in CA now, but still own a ranch in AZ in the high desert...those leaves scream penstemon to me, although I've never seen that particular flower type before. I'm sorry I don't have my wildflower books with me; they're back in AZ. But I'd bet that's what it is.
Are the stems square? That's one of the clues to a member of the mint family, which does space out flowers at notch points on a stem like that. I came across a vaguely similar wild plant of that persuasion in Tennessee this spring. I'll pull up iPhoto & see if I can make a comparison. What I am thinking is that when some wild plants get into the garden, their blossoms really blossom out!
Sorry -- my mint & sage pix show a very different configuration for the flower tubes, with a definite protruding "lower lip" -- including the one with big flowers from Tennessee.
Hey Kate -- does the fragrance remind you a bit of a skunk?
Thanks for all these helpful comments!
I'm afraid I had to skim, so maybe I missed a detail-but, at a glance, the heads look like a mertensia-maybe a cultivar. ~lmc
crown vetch? i can't tell how big the flowers are, maybe i think these are too large.
nice dog!
P.S love
the dog's foot prints too.
love,super G!!!!!!!!!!!!
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