Having a bad day? Get thee to the honeysuckle vines. Soak in those masses of pink and yellow flowers. Take in a whiff of their gentle fragrance.

The skinny little 'styles' that adorn the flowers offer a special treat. Pluck the flower, remove the style, place the base of the flower to your lips and be blessed with a drop of sweet nectar.

It's a throwback to my childhood but I must say... all these years later it still does a sweet job of cheering me up when life's pesky little problems are getting me down.
Honeysuckles grow in bush and vine form. Most are zones 4-8. This big monster of a vine ~ Lonicera 'Dropmore Scarlet' ~ drapes over my rickety porch, offering me a fabulous excuse not to repair it!
Kate what gorgeous pictures of the Honeysuckle ! .. you are a Libra too .. so I know you feel the enjoyment of your garden deeply.
I had the same honeysuckle a few years ago but the aphids drove me NUTS ! haha .. I do miss it once in a while .. especially with seeing such pretty pictures like yours .. well done ! : )
Kate, I am interested in the honeysuckle vine shown in the top picture. Do you know the name for it and is the same as the one on your porch?
It's called Pink Lemonade. :)
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