It may not look like much to you ~ just a dirty little creek. But, it's been dry as a bone for as long as I've lived on this property. I didn't even know it was a creek!

As record-breaking snow fall begins to melt, my dirty little creek will grow into a babbling brook putting smiles on the faces of all the flowers in the Big Rock Garden.

Scooping water from this new, little creek and blessing the tenderest of my babies with some makeshift irrigation.
Much to the dismay of neighbors and friends, I never shovel in the winter time. What's the point? It's just gonna snow again.
But I shoveled quite a bit today ~ chipping away at the mountains of snow in some parts of my yard, moving it to places that have been dry for too long.

But, we're off to a good start. Just what our mountain wildflowers have been hoping for.
And, this, I hope, is a sign of a very good year.
2 days here of 78F and things are visibly leafing out. Tomorrow...snow...agh! The taste of spring is strong with this one.
Congrats on your little creek. I wanna come see it! (Once Tuesday's snow melts enough it's visable again.)
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