In my old city life, car alarms and loud neighbors woke me from a sound sleep. These days it's the Sandhills. They started their bugling before dawn.

Catnip, Cat Mint, Chives... are 3 more goodies unappealing to Deer.
The Sandhills spend their summers in the Swaner Nature Preserve, across the street from me. It's a huge meadow but for some odd reason they like to nest near the road. Once the babies have hatched, Dad stands out by that road and gives everybody hell when they drive by.
Deer, Elk, Fox, Coyotes... all come and go in the Preserve. There is one lady Moose who thinks my garden is simply divine.
Onion bulbs (Allium), Lavender, Sage... smell just awful to Deer.
It's probably best to use a natural approach to talk Deer out of destroying your garden. For instance, if you plant a dense strip of Walker's Low Cat Mint around the perimeter of the garden bed, Deer will walk on by.

For the most part, I don't care that Moose, Deer and Elk munch my garden. They're hungry! Scatter some apples or plant a willow tree. The Moose will love you forever...

What do you think of the non-plant deterrents? Cougar poop, the ultra sound noise makers, or the water scarecrow?
Will all those work for moose, too? I'm thinking we're going to need "Moose-Away" this year...
Thank you for the informative and highly entertaining article! Ha...ha....:)
Hi Kate, great post - I love the moose picture! If you think about it, they got here first, I have to try and remember that when the rampaging herd of 6 deer eat my tulips and the branches of my fabulous weeping spruce.
Is there room for you in the bed when BadDog's under the covers? He's one big boy.
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