It's getting crowded in here. I kicked everybody out of the sunny window so my seedlings could start enjoying the royal treatment. These big girls have been languishing in luxury for far too long...

I'm kind of slow to the punch but I recently figured out that many of the flowering plants sold in my supermarket are actually cold-hardy perennials happy to flourish in the garden.

That prompted me to go a little hog wild. So now I've got more flowers than window sill space. Many of them are anxiously awaiting transplant time outdoors.
Sun Stars
(orange) are crowding Tigridia.

(pink) is shadowing the Alpine Bellflowers
(purple.) And, that is a cowardly thing to do since the baby bells are so very small.
Giant Canterbury Bells
(below) aren't terribly happy about these crowded conditions, either. Though they have a very poor way of showing it.
Canterbury Bells have been flowering non-stop since early February.

The only gal that's truly happy is my French Lavender. Though if she can't move outdoors pretty soon, even she seems hell bent on a revolution.
Tick, tock, tick, tock... This mountain gal is a month away from planting day....
Beautiful Pictures!!
I've got about five more weeks until planting day, and I'm suddenly realising I've got * a lot* of digging to do before then.
Your indoor plants are lovely. I've often wished I could grow french lavender.
I can't wait to start planting! I am shooting for May 15th...I think. This is my second growing season in Utah but last season I had a newborn so I was late getting started.
You blog has been such an inspiration to me!
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